Chapter 7

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After spiraling and feeling like I was on virtigo, I finally got calm but then realized that I was dating her. I sank my head into the lonely white pillow laying on my bed.(this sentence is important for the rest of the chapters) I knew my face was red because my head felt hot. I ended up pacing in my room trying to explain to myself why I asked her in the first place, and I  started to wonder and panic about telling my friends and about the different scenarios I'd be in one being," How in the hell did she say yes to your stupid ass," and another being," Why in the hell did you even ask her, and frankly... I DON'T FUCKING KNOW THE ANSWER TO EITHER OF THEM. But throughout thinking of that I started coming up with ideas for Then I ended up thinking of a song. I know, I know cheesy but we both like music right, so maybe it is the right way to go. Of course it took about 3 hours to come up with the lyrics, it took me that long we'll because I mainly kept reading and singing the song aloud so it sounded good until... It sounded perfect. This was just for her.

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