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Fathers are kind and nice,

Fathers are monumental.

Fathers give love, and great advice,

And make sure you don't go mental

But what happens when they do not?

When they hurt instead of heal.

Leaving a hole, letting it stay there to rot,

Making your heart as hard and as cold as steel.

They hurt you emotionally,

Making death feel like your only friend

You talk to nobody,

As you watch your relationship slowly descend.

They yell and scream,

"You're not good enough!"

Making you wish it was all just a dream.

But you wonder, why does he have to be so rough?

Everything is dark and twisted in his mind,

Making me hurt even more.

Is he really this blind?

Or is his goal this ongoing war?

Why does he treat me the way he that he does?

All I want to do is earn his relational respect.

But when I ask why he acts so crude, all he says is because.

But maybe someday, I won't be faced with his neglect.

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