Chapter Two

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Meeting new people

Bianco's picture is up there^^

Chapter 2

🤑Bianco P.O.V.🤑

It was a new day after all what happened when coming to college my twin sister made me stay home with her for a whole day . I got really annoyed, so I decided to switch on  my Ps5 and play a game. Then Bianca came in saying
"hey  bro I know you might be mad at me but am really sorry I made you stay home yesterday "
"I never wanted to go anywhere so I decided to stay here and make you too"
With all that she said I really loved her and I just had to forgive her...
She was my sister and she was so adorable... The only thing that pissed me off about her was the fact that she wanted to become a nerd and just be different. I got really angry when she told me about it , but then I also warned her about the disadvantage. Turns out she still wanted things to be that way....
After few hours me and Bianca went to gist the school but separately she took a taxi and I drove my Ferrari that my dad got me when I clocked 15 with my sister. I really loved that car so bad.
When I got there I saw a lot of girls who where trying so hard to seek for my attention. This was a random and normal thing and I wasn't shocked at all. It happened all the time and I know most of this girls where gold diggers. After a few minutes my sister arrived and I had to call her to confirm something even tho she told me not to approach her in school .. so I did ..
"Hey sis"
Bianca "I thought I told you not to call me when we are in school"
"Look sis even though we aren't gonna act like siblings let's just be friends cause I don't think it's gonna be that easy for me not to talk to you in school and again , I don't want you to be lonely .. Please Bianca I really love you "
Bianca " I know you really love me ,just don't mess things up. I love you too and please can you come and get me ...."
Me" ok sis ,I am coming"
After all the conversations we had I ended the call and went to meet Bianca we both went to the receptionist office.
"Good afternoon , how may I help you and welcome to the University of California"
"Hey , I and my family friend just registered here and we want to know how things are here ... can we get a tutor around the school"
I asked politely and Bianca widened are eye balls . She wasn't expecting me to be this nice and also I called her a family friend.
Then the receptionist could recognize us.... she said our surnames and she started laughing but we where confused on what was happening..
She said she was our mums old time friend and she recognized us and she felt bad on how i denied my sister....
The name of the receptionist was Tricia ..
She looked like she was in her late 30s and  she was so hot to be around 30...
We asked Tricia how she could easily recognize us and she said she always visits us and always saw our pictures but not us ... cause we never stay home...
Tricia was so nice to us ... she took us to see the chancellor .. The chancellor of the university was my dads great friend . He was very friendly and he welcomed us well ... One shocking thing was that Tricia was the chancellors wife ,when he told us this me and Bianca were very shocked ... His name is Mr James and he was a very cool person ...
After we spoke to Mr James and told me and Bianca to pick any room we want and i chose the luxury one  but she picked a very low class room and I was really mad...
Even if everything Bianca wanted to do would go well ... I still knew one day even if it's soon , she would want to change......

We where taking to our respective hostel and I hugged my sister before I left her ...

She was so happy i could see it on her face and it made me smile too....

When I got to my hostel . I was excited , it was a very cool and decent place for people like me .Well then I got to my dorm and it was so wonderful . I wanted to call my sister but I decided to make that later. Since I felt she won't need me for now...

Hey guys sorry I haven't been posting ... I have been going through a lot lately and I promise to update the story when I am done with making it ....
Please comment ,vote ,add to library and follow me... please guys... Thank you

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