Chapter Four

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     Jeff quickly tossed the hat and the toy gun away, just as Randy, Keith and Troy lunged over the back fence. Jeff turned away from them, hoping they wouldn't see him, but Randy scoffed and gestured for the other two goons to follow him as he approached Jeff.

     "Hey Jeffery," Randy called out, a dark smirk on his face. "Funny seeing you here."

     The multiple children stopped what they were doing and gazed over at Jeff and the other three boys. Jeff gazed at the ground. "I don't want any trouble, just leave me alone."

     Randy scoffed. "I'm afraid I can't do that Jeff, we have some unfinished business to settle."

     "Unfinished business?" Jeff rolled his eyes. "No, I think we're even. So get lost."

     Randy followed Jeff inside the house, then shoved him over once they were passing the kitchen. "No Jeff, we're not even. So get up and fight me!"

     The kids started screaming, and so the parents raced in to see what all the commotion was about. Keith and Troy pulled out guns, stopping the parents from getting any closer to Jeff and Randy.

     "Alright, nobody move," Keith shouted. "If anyone interrupts or tries to call the cops, brains will fly."

     Jeff tried to get up, but Randy kicked him back down. "Fight me Jeff! Fight me!"

     Jeff shook his head. "No, I'm not going to fight you."

     "Why not? Are you scared Jeff?" Randy got down on Jeff's chest, and began punching him over and over in the face. "Fight me! I got your brother put in jail, and you're not even going to fight for him?"

     Jeff shoved Randy off, and jumped up to his feet. As Jeff turned to run, Randy grabbed a bottle of Vodka and smashed it over Jeff's head, causing Jeff to collapse back onto the floor.

     Randy kicked Jeff in the gut. "You're a wimp! Just like your pathetic brother! That lousy wimp that took the blame for your mistake. You're just going to sit there and let him ROT?"

     After hearing this, something within Jeff snapped, and that strange feeling returned, stronger than ever before. It was so powerful. The feeling coursed through him, like a drug, and there was now only one thing that mattered to Jeff ... murder.

     Jeff grabbed onto Randy's ankle and pulled him down to the floor. Jeff crawled on top of Randy, and started punching Randy's chest as hard as he could. Over and over again, Jeff's fist met with Randy's chest, the punches held more power with each blow. After a few good punches, Jeff finally landed one perfect blow on Randy's chest, it was so forceful, so rough, so hard, that it caused Randy's heart to stop beating.

     After realising Randy was dead, Jeff quickly stood up and gazed over at Keith and Troy. Troy looked down at Randy and gaped, Keith let out an angry battle cry before pointing his gun at Jeff and shooting at him.

     Jeff dodged the bullet and bolted for the stairs. Keith kept shooting, but every bullet missed Jeff by miles. Jeff dashed up the stairs and Keith raced after him. Jeff slipped as he tried turning for the bathroom. Jeff fell to the floor but was quick to get back up to his feet, stumbling into the bathroom.

     Because of how many times Keith had attempted to shoot Jeff, by the time he got to the bathroom, he'd run out of bullets. Keith threw the gun downstairs to alert Troy that he was out of bullets, and that's when Troy came marching up the stairs.

     Keith raced into the bathroom, and shoved Jeff backwards. Jeff tripped over the bathmat and smashed his back against the cupboard. A chemical fell from the shelf, it had no lid, which was probably why Barbra had put it up so high. Keith went to attack Jeff, and as the chemicals poured over Jeff, Keith was also caught in it. Jeff and Keith cried out as the liquid burnt their eyes and their skin. Keith slipped on the chemicals and fell back against the wall. He sat there, trying to wipe the chemicals out of his eyes.

     Jeff tried blinking so his vision wouldn't be so blurry, but nothing was working. He cried out again as the chemicals continued to burn his eyes and attack his skin, the Vodka was no help.

     Suddenly, Troy ran in, slipping in the chemicals and smacking the back of his head on the bathtub, which killed him almost instantly. That's when Keith started chuckling, causing Jeff to gaze down at him.

     "What's so funny?" Jeff asked, furrowing his brows in both confusion and pain.

     "I wonder what would happen if a flame came into contact with something drenched in vodka and cleaning products." Keith said, causing Jeff's eyes to widen as Keith pulled a lighter out of his back pocket. "Let's find out, shall we?"

     Jeff tried to move back, but was too slow, the lighter set Jeff alight. The fire instantly burst up and blanketed Jeff's figure, his entire body was now covered in flames. Jeff screamed and tumbled out of the bathroom, rolling on the carpet in an attempt to put out the fire.

     He crawled helplessly to the top of the stairs as his skin started to melt. He slipped, and went tumbling down the stairs. Kids were crying, parents were screaming, and Jeff was laying on the ground, barely conscious.

     As everyone began racing around in order to try and help Jeff, Jeff's mind suddenly went blank, and everything went dark ... Jeff had blacked out.

So, how was THAT chapter? Scary? Cliche? I mean, of course that had to happen. What a coincidence.

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... and tell me if I need to keep repeating these things.

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