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SinB can already feel a headache forming. The strobing lights and blaring music in the club isn't helping either. All she wanted was to spend her evening cuddling on the couch with her girlfriend and watch Netflix. Instead, they are currently at a nightclub to meet with friends.

"Tell me again why we're here?" She asked while letting her girlfriend drag her across the dance floor.

"We're celebrating! Sowon unnie's finally dating someone and I want to meet her!" Yerin shouted over the loud music.

"We stopped making out for this?" SinB grumbles. She doubles over when Yerin elbowed her side. "Play nice, babe."

They made their way to the second floor where the mood is more solemn, and there were less drunk people. Yerin points at two tall figures like a beacon among the crowd.

"Welcome, love birds," Yuna greets them with a grin. Both of them were a little flushed, clearly tipsy.

"Yeah, yeah," They all settled in a small booth, squeezing in to make room. Empty shot glasses are scattered on the metal surface of the table, the smell of booze is nauseating.

"So where's this girlfriend I've been hearing about?" SinB looks at Sojung. The usually stern and level-headed woman has a dopey smile on her face. This is the first time she has seen the older woman like this, and it's freaking her out a little bit.

"They're getting more drinks downstairs," Yuna answered while patting her shoulder.

"They? Umji's here, too?" She asked. If the young therapist made time in her already busy schedule then this 'celebration' isn't to be taken lightly. Now SinB's really curious about this girl.

"We're back! What did we miss?"

SinB turns around, and then everything stops moving. The loud music became blurry as her eyes zeroed in on the girl besides Yewon. It has been years, but she could recognize that face anywhere. A plethora of emotions washed over SinB. Her heart is stuck in her throat and her limbs are losing strength. Their eyes met briefly and it makes her stomach turn.

Jung Eunbi was a girl she loved once upon a time. She was her first love and her first heartbreak.

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