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SinB sits in her car and tries to wrap her mind around her situation. She often wondered what she'll say to her ex if they ever see each other again, she resented what happened that night but even through all the years, the now short haired girl still holds a special place in her heart.

SinB sighs under her breath and opens the glove compartment to get a small velvet box. 

'Why suddenly get cold feet now?' SinB shakes her head and securely tucks the small box into her coat pocket.

She gets outside of the car along with a box of cupcakes that she bought on the way, and heads inside through the glass door. A familiar face greets her the instant his eyes lock on hers.

"SinB noona, it's been a while," Sanha grins at her. His eyes perk up seeing the box of goodies she's carrying and his grin grows wider.

"Is that for me—ack!"

"Sorry, it's a reflex," SinB slaps his hand away harder than she thought when he was reaching for the sugary treats, and smiles apologetically. "I'll make it up to you, buddy."

"You better," He pouts as he rubs the back of his hand. "Are you here for Umji noona?"

"Yeah, is she on her lunch break?"

"Yep, she's in her office. You already know the way, right?" SinB nods, thanking him. She apologizes again but he just laughs and shoos her away.


"Bi-yah, what can I do for you?" Yewon is surprised to see her. The younger girl probably thought that SinB will stay in bed all day because of how she was drinking like a sailor last night.

"Can't I visit my best friend at her work place once in a while?" SinB feigns discomfort, placing a hand on her chest. A dramatic portrayal of woe is me.

Yewon roll her eyes at her friend's antics. She gestures for SinB to come in while she prepares tea. SinB's not really a fan of tea but she'll take it over hospital coffee which can either be watered-down or taste like dirt depending on the time of the day.

She patiently sits on a black leather couch while Yewon sets down two cups on the table. She added tea leaves and let’s it settle at the bottom of the cup before getting the kettle, Yewon passed her a few packets of sugar and cream.

"So, why are you really here?" Yewon starts just when she was getting comfortable. She sighs, fishing out the small box from her pocket and slowly pushed it to the young therapist.

Yewon stops stirring her tea to examine it. She gently grasp it in one hand and delicately opens the lid. Her jaw slacked at the huge pink stone.

"When did you buy thi—"

"About a month ago," SinB takes a cupcake out of the box to distract herself. She peels off the liner paper and takes a huge bite out of the fluffy cake, chewing slowly.

"How did you manage to hide this from Yerin unnie? She's like a bloodhound," Yewon mused. SinB recently took it out of its hiding place at the back of her closet, wrapped up in what she considered her most precious item. She knew her girlfriend won't think of touching a ratty old blanket.

It took 6 months of her salary and grueling overtime but she's able to buy a diamond ring. It wasn't a simple band either which made it more expensive, but it's worth it. Yerin deserves nothing but the best.

"Wow," Yewon breaths, handing the box back. "Two of my best friends are getting married to each other."

"Actually, I haven't worked up the courage to propose," SinB picks up her cup and takes a sip of the lukewarm liquid.

"Why do I feel like there's more to that sentiment than what you're letting one," The sincere smile on Yewon's face turns into a small frown in concern. "Are you having second thoughts?"

"I want to ask for your opinion," SinB anticipated this kind of reaction. Kim Yewon is a marriage counselor in training, it's her job to spot holes in people's relationships and mend them. Her friend has always been perceptive even back when she was still volunteering in the youth foundation where they first met.

"You're normally so gung-ho, what's really stopping you?"

"I got really drunk last night, and Yerin unnie," SinB remembers a time where she hit an all time low and Yerin was the one who picked up all the pieces. Her girlfriend helped her get out of her addiction and became a constant force of positive energy and optimism in her life.

"She took care of me. I don't know if I truly deserve her, sometimes I think she's better off without me." She stutters, blaming the alcohol in her system as she lets out a quiet sob.

"Oh, Bi," Yewon scooches over to hug her. SinB immediately leaned back, saying she'll ruin her blouse with her tears but the slightly younger woman didn't care and pulls her closer.

"I can't speak for you but let me ask you this, do you remember what happened last night?" SinB shakes her head. She mutters incoherently into Yewon's collar as her friend rubs gentle circles on her back to soothe her nerves.

"After your last shot of tequila, you broke down and made Yerin unnie promise to never leave you," Yewon finally pulls away to look her in the eye. And told her seriously, "You two are great together and it would be my honor to walk you down the aisle."

That got a laugh out of her. SinB chortles as she's handed a box of tissue. She's a mess but her mood lightens unexpectedly.

"You're still young, you don't need to decide now or tomorrow. You have your whole life ahead of you to think about it but actions speak louder than words, Bi-yah." Yewon brushed away a loose strand of hair from her face and gently tucks it behind her ear. "It'll be a shame if you lose your happiness over your own insecurities."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 12, 2019 ⏰

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