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Little Eunbi shivered as the rain continued to pour down, it was a mistake to leave the house without an umbrella or at least a coat. She wrapped her arms around herself, her tiny hands turned red because of the sudden drop in temperature.

She had no choice but to stay at school for shelter waiting for the rain to stop. Eunbi was rubbing her hands together for any semblance of warmth when someone sat next to her.

"Hi!" A girl around her age, possibly older, greeted her with a smile. She was way too bubbly for such a gloomy weather.

"Are you waiting for your parents, too?" She asked. Eunbi just nodded, knowing full well that her parents weren't even close to the city.

They sat in silence, watching the droplets of water turn into a puddle. It had a soothing, calming effect that Eunbi almost forgets why she's still stuck here. Anywhere is better than an empty house, she thought solemnly.

"You don't talk much, do you?" The girl attempted to have a conversation with her again, Eunbi just shrugged not really knowing what to say.

She continued to babble with Eunbi just nodding, pretended to listen. The rain hasn't stopped but a car pulled over in front of the school gate, probably for the noisy kid beside her.

The girl got quiet as a woman exits the car, her brows furrowed and bottom lip pushed out in a small pout. She looked at Eunbi, shoulders slumped and sulking. "Say, what's your name?"

Eunbi thought for a moment on whether to answer her or not. She figured she ignored the other girl far too long and decided to humor her one last time.

"Eunbi," She whispered audibly. She received a series of amusing facial expressions from the other girl. From being shocked, confused, thoughtful, and then finally excitement.

"That's my name, too!"


SinB groans as the blinding pain in her head throbbed, but rolls out of bed to quickly run to the bathroom as the bile in my stomach bubbles, threatening to rise up. If she wasn't already down on her knees and bend forward facing the toilet, the dancer would be amazed at how fast she could move despite her post-drunk hangover state.


"In here, unnie!" She yells from the bathroom, wincing as she spilled the remaining contents of her stomach.

"I made you breakfast in bed!" Yerin called out before entering the bathroom, her nose wrinkled at the strong smell of booze and vomit. She was already wearing her work clothes, and her blonde hair tied up in a ponytail.

"Which is far less romantic now that you're hugging the toilet." She added, patting the younger's back.

"It's the thought that counts," SinB shrugs and used a paper towel to wipe her face. Her blonde girlfriend helped her up and back  into the bedroom, realizing how dehydrated she was after expelling a lot of liquids and undigested food down the drain.

"I already called in sick for you, do you want me to stay until you get better?" Yerin handed her two small pills of aspirin and a bottled water which the dancer gingerly took, emptying the plastic bottle within seconds with large gulps.

"No, no," SinB holds up a hand, needing a moment to compose herself. She takes a deep breath before smiling gratefully. "You should get to work, I'll be fine."

"Are you sure you're okay?" Yerin pats her shoulder, frowning a little bit. "Do you even remember what happened last night?"

"Oh, did we...?" SinB said suggestively, wiggling an eyebrow.

"No, you pervert," The blonde lightly shoves her, chuckling at the younger's silliness. "I guess if you can already make stupid jokes then you'll be fine."

"It'll eventually come back to me," SinB laughs a little but wince when her stomach made a gurgling noise. She whined looking at her girlfriend with pleading eyes. "Are you coming over tonight?"

"Sorry, I can't," Yerin did offer to nurse her sick girlfriend but she can only stay until late afternoon, she has a meeting this evening. She asked SinB once again if she needs help but the younger declined. She shoots her with finger guns before walking out of the room. "I'll see you next weekend?"

"Hm," SinB hums a reply. She heard the front door closed as she looks at the tray on her nightstand, checking what the blonde prepared for her.

"Haejangguk," She smiles at her girlfriend's caring nature. Seriously, how did she get lucky? She picks up a spoon and takes a sip of the warm soup. SinB continues to slowly sip the spicy broth, carefully scooping some of mixed veggies.

When she's finished, SinB grabs another bottled water from the tray and gulps it down. She thought for a moment, now that she's hydrated, on why she passed out drunk.

SinB's not the best at handling liquor, that's why she rarely orders any when they're out. Only during celebrations or get-togethers. She tends to get emotional when drinking, and in worst-case scenario, blacks out. So what happened last night that she drank so much that she passed out?

"Aish! Too much thinking hurts my head right now," SinB cries out, burying her face in her hands.

She recalled Yerin saying they were celebrating. But celebrating what? SinB leans back against the headboard, sitting comfortably and relaxes. Retracing their steps, she remembers the annoying lights and loud music inside the nightclub. They went up the second floor and then...

It hits her like a truck.

With shaky legs, SinB walks over her closet. She rummaged around, pushing clothes aside to retrieve something hidden in the back. Then she sits on the bed with an orange hooded blanket, it's color faded and worn. The dancer unfurls the delicate fabric to reveal a small box.

"Why?" Hot tears well up in her eyes and trails down her cheeks, droplets soak into the forlorn cloth.

"Why now when I finally moved on?"


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