06 | Unknown feelings

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Next morning, I woke up and saw that I was on my bed neatly tucked in. But how can this be possible.

As far as I remember, I fell asleep in the swing. How come I am here now? Maybe I woke up and came slept here. I just shrugged and went to get freshened up. I came out dressed out of my closet and went downstairs for my breakfast.

The living room and kitchen was empty. So my parents and Kabir's parents went to visit some places. They will be back by 4 days. So it's me, Mehfil, Zayn and Kabir then. Then I remembered that my baby sis is gonna come home for holidays. I missed Aafu so much. Aafiya Atwi, my baby sis. She's in London, completing her BBM. She'll be coming soon. And on top of it, she'll be surprised too. Zayn, Mehfil and Kabir are here. I smiled at her thought.

Suddenly, I was pinned to the wall and I was about to shout when someone whispered in my ear.

"Ssshhh Riya, it's me."Kabir said, slowly.

I was trying to get out of his hold but he wasn't even budging. THAT ASSHOLE.

I stopped trying after a while and just stood still. He was looking at me like as if he's trying to figure me out. I was angry with him, just five minutes back. Now it's all gone just like that.

"Why the hell didn't you have your dinner last night? And why were you alone like that, sleeping on the swing?" he asked.

Wait, how did he know all those?

" Don't fry your brain so much. I carried you to your bed", he said, leaning on the wall.

Oh, I thought.

"I didn't know you would do this. I'm sorry. You should have at least called me right? I would have been there. Fine let it be, let's do breakfast. Tell me what madam will eat. I'll make it for you," he told me.

I just smiled and told him "Whatever sir can make for me."

He just gave me an infectious boyish grin and made me sit on the chair. He started making something for us and I was looking at him.

This guy would definitely be doing gym. I would put my entire money on it. He wore a plain while t shirt and blue denims and I can clearly see his biceps flexing with every movement he makes. And his just-out of the shower- hair is not really helping and it is making him look like a Greek god. My inner self was just checking him out shamelessly. Stop it, I thought.

After sometime, he came to me with a tray full of my favorite dishes. Pancakes, maple syrup, berries and orange juice. It was perfect.

He was looking at me, as if waiting for me to taste it and giving a final judgment. I already feel like master chef India's judge. I took a bite of pancakes and I just sighed. It was too good.

May be my face reflected what exactly I felt, he relaxed and sat down beside me.

"Kabir, this is damn good. Seriously, I loved it." I told him.

"Thanks riyu. I kind of lived by myself in America. So I had to cook for myself." He smiled and told me.

I just smiled back and started digging into it. But then I realized that I am eating this alone.

"Kabir, why aren't you eating? Where are Zayn and Mehfil?"I asked him.

"Actually, they had some works to finish. So they left early. They'll be home by evening. As you were sleeping, they told me to tell you that they'll be home soon. And about my breakfast, I am not hungry. So you carry on. I have some office deal to finish. I will be in the study. I will complete it as soon as possible. Till then you have your breakfast," he said and was about to go. But I held his hand and made him sit back.

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