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      (Jack's POV)
Uhhhhhh why just why! Why did Hiccup go with Elsa FIRST?!?!? I should have gone first!

       "Why did you let Hiccup go first?!?!"I yell at Merida.

    "Well let me think.......YOU CHEATED ON ELSA SHE DOESN'T REALLY WANT TO TALK TO YOU OR SEE YOU!!"yells Merida.I just walk away.I just sat on a bench outside.

     "Well, Well let's see who is JEALOUS"I hear a vocie.I turn around and see Pitch Black.

     "What do you want?!"I ask.

  "Oh nothing just to help you"he says with a evil smile.

     "Why do you want to help me?"I say.

      "I can give a spell to that girl to fall in love with!"he says.

     "Okay but what's the catch?!"I ask with a smile.I don't know why I was smiling but i'm guessing I LOVE this idea.

      "The catch is to end that boy!"he says.Then my smile fades. But I have to do it to get Elsa back.

       "Is that a deal?!"he asks

"DEAL!"I say with a smile on my face!

     (Hiccup's POV)

I took Elsa to her house to rest.

       "Anna you take care of her  I'll come later okay"I tell Anna.

    "Don't worry she's in good hands"says Anna with a HUGE smile on her face.

    "Thank you"I say.Then I walk to my car.I arrive home.

       "Stop right there!"I hear a vocie. I see Jack. With a GUN!

      "Jack what are you going to do with that?!"I ask scared.

      "Kill you and get my girl back!"says Jack with a EVIL smile.

       Before I could say anything I hear BAM! BAM! BAM!.

   "AHHHHHHHHH"I scream with pain in my leg!    

        "You got lucky I'm not going to kill you but you are going to lose 2 things!"I hear Jack.

    "Your not going to get away with this!"I say still with pain.

     "Oh the thing is I already have"says Jack and flys away.

        Then my dad comes into the drive-way.

       "Son!!!!!!"he says and runs to mt side.

     "Dad glad you came on time!"I say still with pain in my leg.

      "Come on we have to go to the hospital!"says my dad picking me up to the car.I see blood on my pants. We arrived at the hospital.

      I pass out.

                To Be Continued............

     Will Hiccup make it or with he die?!
  Will Jack steal Elsa or will Jack kill Hiccup permit?!

     Firgue out in the next chapter

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