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Chapter One: Does He Still Draw?

Keith slashed his bayard through the altean training bot and watched as it dissipated away. He breathed heavily as he readied his stance for the next level. "Start training sequence; level ten." Two bots appeared into the room and Keith attacked. He dodged and slashed as the droids came near him. As he fought memories and thoughts filled his head. He remembered all those times he was bullied as a kid. All those times teachers thought lowly of him just because of his past. He grunted in pain as a bot hit his side. Growling, Keith stabbed through the bot and watched as it disappeared. He looked at the other bot and threw his sword through its torso. Keith stopped to take a breath as he slumped against the training decks wall. He grabbed his water a let the cool water refresh his dry throat.

"You're going to overwork yourself if you keep training like this," Shiro said as he walked into the room with his arms crossed. Keith rolled his eyes, "Says the guy who trains while everyone else is asleep." Shiro smiled, "Fair enough." He chuckled and sat down next to the teen. "Why are you training so hard anyway?" Shiro asked his younger brother. Keith sighed and leaned his head against the wall. "Just...thinking." Shiro knitted his eyebrows, knowing very well that Keith overthinks. "Do you need to talk?" Shiro asked concerned. Keith shook his head and stood back up. "No, I'm good." He picked up his jacket and bayard and started walking towards the exit. "I'm going to go shower and get some rest. I'll see ya' later." Shiro smiled at the boy and watched as he left. Once Keith left Shiro tensed up. "It's around that time." He sighed, "No wonder he would think so much."


Keith sat on his bed after throwing his wet towel into the hamper. He sighed and picked up his knife from his pillow. He smiled softly at the memory of his father giving him the knife. He had told him it belonged to his mother before she left to protect him. One question always stayed in his mind when he thought about his mother. Why? Why would he need to be protected and what from? Why wouldn't she just stay and protect him that way? "I'm sorry, mom." He closed his eyes and let the tears stream down his cheeks. "You left for no reason. Yet, I still somehow put myself in danger." Keith set the knife down and grabbed his jacket. He put his hand in the pocket and dug out an old folded piece of paper. Opening it up he looked at the drawing and smiled. It was a drawing of Keith when he was little. He was faced away. His back and side were visible. He wore a red shirt and tan shorts, which were being held up by his belt and survival bag. In his hand was the same knife that now sat next to him. It was a simple, yet amazing drawing. In the bottom corner was a signature that would always be known to him. It was the name 'Blue' written in beautiful calligraphy. Lance had always given him drawings of random things. Once he drew the blue lion with what Lance would look as if he was older.

The red paladin missed his Altean friend, but after Shiro went missing Keith became distant from everyone. Lance noticed that his friend needed space, so he left him be and would drop off flowers and drawings he had done that day. Keith thought that once he found Shiro that he would find his missing friend too, but to no avail he found nothing. His alien friend disappeared and when he tried to return to Blue he was locked away from her cavern. He was confused as to where Lance could have gone, but he never found him. He even thought Lance, the blue paladin, was his Lance from a year ago.

'How stupid can I be?' He thought to himself as he stood up from his bed. He folded the paper back up and put it back in his jacket pocket and then pulled the red leather over his shoulders. "Does he still like to draw? Where ever he is..." He mumbled out loud. Shaking his head to rid it of any thoughts, Keith made his way towards the library. It was the one quiet place in the whole castle that neither Pidge or Hunk knew about. It kept Keith busy when he couldn't train or go on missions.

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