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Chapter Eight: I Was Born This Way! She Had Nothing To Do With It!

A week has passed since Krolia has joined the team of Voltron. Allura would be lying if she said she trusted the Galra woman that was aboard her castle. She hates the idea of her being close to Keith and Lance. She hates the idea that Keith and Lance were so close to each other. She hates the two boys being friendly with each other.  All of these things make her blood boil with rage and she doesn't know why. Is it because of Krolia being Galra? Is it because the idea of Krolia being near Lance and Keith make her sick? Or is it for a reason she can't quite place yet?


Lance layed on the couch in the common room. Keith was laying his head on the boys' lap as if he was a cat taking a nap on his owner.  Lance was playing with the half=breeds hair as he slept soundly in a dreamless slumber. That was until Keith bolted up from Lances' lab clutching his head in pain. "Keith, what's wrong?" Lance asked putting a hand on his shoulder, slowly rubbing circles into it. "My head feels like it's going to explode and my arms burn." He tried to calmly explain as he held onto his head with one arm while shaking his jacket off with his other arm and then switching until his jacket was completely off. "Shh, come here." Lance opened his arms and let Keith cuddle into his embrace while he quietly soothed him.

In a room on the other side of the ship, Krolia was talking to Pidge while fixing her BOM suit. "So, what type of weapons do soldiers use?" The pre-teen asked making notes. Krolia was about to answer when she got an uncomfortable feeling in her stomach. Something wasn't right. "Keith," She whispered before jumping up from her seat and running towards the common room. Pidge following her in confusion.

When the two arrive Pidge gasps at the sight. Not only was Keith in Lance's arms, but his pale skin was turning into purple fur. Purple cat ears sprouted from his head and a tail poked through his jeans. Small whimpers could be heard from the pain-ridden boy. "What's going on with him?" Pidge asked Lance trying to keep her voice calm. "He's part Gara, but now is no time to explain!" Lance looked to Krolia and gave her pleading eyes. "Hand him over to me. I can help." Lance nods and lifts the boy up from his lap and hands him to the woman. Keith desperately held onto her as the pain increases. Krolia starts to pet his new ears and sing a song she heard on Earth. It was a song she would sing to the young boy when he was upset as an infant.

Keith slowly started to calm down and come to his senses. "How did you do that?" Pidge asked her with a look of fascination on her delicate face. "Keith is around sixteen, which is still considered a kit in Galra years. If a Galra woman has bared a child before then they get this motherly scent to them and it can comfort a kit in need." She looked down at the boy and smiled softly. "I used to sing this song to my kit when he was a baby and it calmed him down when he was upset, so I used it on Keith hoping it would still work." Pidge raised her eyebrow at the word 'still' but decided to keep her mouth shut.

The room was calm and quiet as they waited for Keith to wake up from his state of mind. But the calmness didn't last long when Shiro and Allura stepped into the common room. Shiro noticed Keith body and, in fast movements, pulled him off of Krolia and shoved the woman to the wall. His robotic arm wrapped around her throat. "What did you to him? What did you do to my little brother!?" He yelled at her more than ask. Krolia tries to remove his arm from her neck, her breath slowly fading. As if Keith sensed her in danger, he snapped out of his frenzy and tries to pull him off of his unknown mother. Allura instantly pulled Keith off of Shiro and threw him to the ground. Lance went to his side and helped him up. 'Shiro, get off of her! She didn't do anything to me!" He yelled at the man. Shiro looked at Keith and saw through his, now yellow, eyes. Tears threatened to spill as he saw Krolia being attacked and him not being able to do anything to help her. "I was born like this! Please, let her go!" Shiro finally listens and releases Krolia.

She fell to the ground coughing for air. Shiro and Allura glared at Krolia, them receiving one in return, and left the room. Lance walked up to Krolia and lifted his hand up to her. "Let me help." His voice was calm and reassuring. She lifted her sore neck up and Lance closed his eyes, concentrating. His tan palm began to glow a bright blue and that bright blue light began to heal the bruises forming on her purple skin. He opened his eyes and helped her up to her feet. "That should help, but don't push it for a couple of hours." She nodded and looked at Keith. Keith, not knowing why, ran up to her and hugged her tightly. Krolia returned the hug to the young kit.

"What the hell just happened!?" Turning to the now present voice, everyone looked at Pidge. Lance forgot she was there and blushed a shade of red. "Right, you're in here too..." Lance began to explain that he was Altean and that 10,000 years ago he was sent to Earth with Blue and that when he woke up Keith helped him out. "Thank you, Lance, for healing me." Lance nodded and smiled in return. "I was able to contact my team. They are on a nearby planet that has a BOM base." She explained, her voice was hoarse. "Did you tell Allura?" Keith asked while he was still in the woman's embrace. She shook her head and Lance nodded. "Good. Don't let them find out." Krolia raised an eyebrow down on her son.

"I'll bring you to your team." He let go of her and looked into her yellow and gray-purple eyes. "I want to help you get back to your family." Krolia shook her head at the young kit. "I can't let you do that. I don't want you to get in trouble with the princess or your brother." Keith shook his head at his unknown mother. "Krolia, your family is your team and they're waiting for you. We will take Red and I will drop you off at your base." Krolia tried to protest but Lance spoke first. "You're not going alone. I'll come with you." Keith smiled and hugged his best friend. "I'll stay here and keep the others away while you drop Krolia off." Krolia smiled and thanked the teens. She was glad they were willing to help, but the worry in her stomach kept her a little unsteady.

Mother and son fluff anyone? You didn't ask for it, but there it is.

We Will Meet Again (Galra!KeithxAltean!Lance)Where stories live. Discover now