Chapter 3

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Jasmine POV

Logan and I were supposed to go to the beach, but it starting raining once we stepped foot outside. I invited Logan over to stay so we can watch movies.

"What movie do you want to watch next?" I ask

"Um, how about Disney!"

"What Disney movie then?" I ask

"Um, how about the Lion King?" he tells me

"Sure" than I take the disk out of the case and put it in the DVD player. Me and Logan are sitting on the couch, singing off key and we both start laughing.

"This is really fun Logan" I say to him smiling

"Yeah" he says smiling back

After the movie finished, we decided to go to the mall. It was only 3:21 so there was still time to shop. I go into my favorite stores and I drag Logan with me.

"Do you like this?" I say holding up a red blouse with ruffles along the neck line.

"Not really" he said. And he seemed honest.

"Hey, weren't we supposed to fake date?" I ask him

"I totally forgot about that" he said laughing

"Me too. I guess we were having too much fun together." I say looking thru clothing racks

"How about we start Monday?" Logan says.

Today was Saturday.

"Uh sure" I say, but looking at Logan this time.

Logan POV

I kindove liked it when Jasmine would look at me. She had those eyes that were beautiful. Wait, we're fake dating on Monday to get JENNA to notice me. Do I have feelings for Jasmine?

"Hey Jas?" I say like I'm about to ask a question.

"Yea?" she says while we're walking out of the store

"I think I...I want to buy a new pair of sunglasses."

I was going to tell her how I feel.

Now I'm spending money on a pair of sunglasses.

"Yay! What about we get matching pairs!" she says excited

"Sure" I say laughing.

Lindy POV

It was Saturday afternoon and I'm going to sleep over Jasmine's house. I didn't need to be by her house till seven so I decided to go to the mall. While I pass the food court, I see two familiar faces. It was Jasmine and Logan.

They were talking and laughing. I start walking to up to them.

"What happened to our sleepover Jas?" I say rudely

"I never forgot Lindy! Logan and I were gonna go to the beach but it started raining so we stayed at my house and had a movie marathon. The day was still young so we decided to go to the mall. We were going to head back home after we finished talking." she said

"Why didn't you invite me to your little movie marathon huh? I was home! Doing nothing while you too were having fun" I say still upset.

I thought they were my friends.

Friends do stuff TOGETHER.

"We're really sorry Lindy" Logan said

"I'll just sleep over Delia's" I say. Then I storm off.

Delia POV

My phone starts to ring but I can't find my phone.

I follow the sound of my ringtone and I find my phone in my closet. Must've left it there when I changed.

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