Chapter 3

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Yes I'm alive.



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"Stay with me tonight"Whispered the moon,"The sun will walk you home in the morning"

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"Stay with me tonight"
Whispered the moon,
"The sun will walk you home in the morning"

"Stay with me tonight"Whispered the moon,"The sun will walk you home in the morning"

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"That monster is a predator, Delilah. His frontal eyes are better then any hawk and his teeth are sharper than steak knives. He moves in the shadows until his victim is in reach and then his tentacles would shoot out and pull them into their mouth. For the most part they didn't even had the time to call out for help and all one could hear was the crunching of bones"

I was speechless. This much information was inhumane. How could they do this. The sight of blood doesn't sick-en me that much because we all girls have periods.

"Svana, Exactly how many people have been killed because of these monsters" I asked feeling curious.

"Uncountable people, Delilah" she said.

"So tell me more abou-"

"I forgot to tell you that before you sleep lock your windows and also your door, if you have late night shifts and going home alone never look back I mean it Delilah never look back, and don't look him in the eye of you ever saw him"

"Okay, should we now start the work please?"

"Come on, then"

To bake was to find my own peace. In chaos of creation comes order; from raw ingredients comes somethings from beauty. No matter that the troubles swirled in the grey cloud or in the winter-chilled grass,the kitchen held the keys to serenity.

Where else can you create and know what you will make will be so loved by the one you adore the most? But sadly I have no one like that. That's why i find my peace between salt and flour.

After spending hours baking they were ready, my cookies. The soft smell of them teased my nose. The scent lingering and inviting. The topmost layer was an incredible shade of amber, they were cracked on the surface, like a dry desert ground. But from inside they weren't dry.

A satisfactory crunch lingered by my ears as they entered my mouth, only to crumble and melt from inside, so deliciously tasty that my taste buds tingled. Once bit past the turtle's shell, a silky, fragile intern broken free, a hidden secret revealed. Indescribable pleasure pulsed through me. They were my creation and I knew they were perfect.

In my haze of pleasure, I didn't even notice that Svana had taken a cookie and was full-on moaning on the taste.

"Well, do you like them?" I asked already knowing the answer.

"Hmmmmmmmmmm, can I have infinite of them more please?" She replied while licking her fingers.

She was drunk, I thought while taking the tray out to put them on the shelf so that more customers could come from sniffing the delicious aroma.

"How did you even know how to make these, they are so fucking delicious that I could eat them my whole fucking life" Svana said while her slender fingers reaching for more cookies on the shelf.

I slapped her hand which was reaching for another one.

"I made this for the customers, not for you so do't even think about eating it"

"Okay mom" she said pouting in a childish voice.

Th bell ringed as it signalled that someone had come in. Me and Svana looked at each other and she signalled me to go see.

I was nervous as this was my first time waitressing and i think I just shit myself because of being nervous.

A women was sitting scrolling something on her phone, as I approached her I her features and decided that she was beautiful with her black diva curls and deep blue eyes.

"Hi, I'll be your waitress today what would you like to order and my name is Delilah"

I really shit myself this time.

"Hey, I never noticed this small cute cafe before and the sweet aroma of cookies I think brought me here, so can you please bring me one those and one cappuccino please?"

"Of course, coming right away"

I strolled away in the kitchen and made her order. When I was settling down her cappuccino she sake whether I was new in town cause she never saw me here.

"Yeah, Im just moved here recently because I decided for a change" i said being suspicious as why of the sudden interest in my life.

"What kind of change" she asked nosily.

"I'm sorry but that's none of your business" saying rather angrily slamming her bill down on the table.

"Your bill is £8.51 dollars, give me the bill and grab your shit and get out of here"

She grew a £100 dollar bill at my face and run out.

"Thanks! For the tip bitch" i said as i grinned happily that i can finally buy food and some chocolates.

Svana came out of the kitchen with her mouth stiffed with two cookies and the pocket of her apron had five cookies in them, one sticking out and she was holding the tray and said, "Sorry I was not paywing atenruln ay all"

She was speaking gibberish with her mouth full. "Eat it up Svana,my work here is finished and I'm going home"

As i got out of the cafe it was already evening and I had to ho home fast remembering the warning Svana gave me.

There was a nearby shop from where I buyed frozen pizza, vegetables,eggs and some other things. I picked my shit up and ran home not bothering to see someone following me.

••••Next chappy will be out next week Saturday and it will bring a whole lotta ride to the book

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Next chappy will be out next week Saturday and it will bring a whole lotta ride to the book...

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