Chapter 11

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"Sometimes your beginnings will actually be endings that you will have to go through over and over again to eventually realise it was never 'meant to be' story"

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"Sometimes your beginnings will actually be endings that you will have to go through over and over again to eventually realise it was never 'meant to be' story"

"Sometimes your beginnings will actually be endings that you will have to go through over and over again to eventually realise it was never 'meant to be' story"

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"Let's go to the park, mom please!" My brother said while clutching her shirt jumping up and down pleading her to accept his requests.

"Mom pleaseeeee" i said to as i also wanted to go to the swings in the park as always with my brother pushing me back and forth.

My mom's tired expression was hidden as she sighed keeping the wooden spoon on the table and went to grab her coat from the store-room in the hallway.

"Go wear your coats if you two don't wanna catch a cold!," she said while pulling one of her arm into the arm of the coat. We hurriedly did as she said and i wore my red coat and black pumps.

She grabbed our hands and pushed open the front door, closing it on the way out and locking it, placing the keys in her bag.

The park was just a street away from our house and it took not much time to reach there. Entering the park i straight away ran towards the swings seeing a indigo coloured boy already occupying the swings looking happy.

I walked slowly over to him and politely asked if we could take turns on the swing. He looked at me with a smug expression and suddenly pushed me down into a puddle of water from the rain earlier which resulted in me getting wet and i was angry immediately.

I felt my vision turning red as i held out my arms and a black wave of power escaped me which caused the boy to scream loudly grabbing the attention of passer-by's. I had no control on my actions as i felt the power was blinding me, blinding me till nothing but my ashes were left. It burned me to the core as my screams resonated the whole place i stood at.

Screams of aggression, anger and extreme annoyance towards the boy. I looked at the indigo coloured eyes boy clutching his left eye desperately and screaming in pain.

That's the last thing i heard before fainted.


I woke up with a gasp as cold water was thrown over me, i looked up in horror and he standing over me with a vicious grin that only monsters could muster up.  

"It's already morning bitch, get up it's time to pay for what you did to me that day" he said while chaining my arms, his eye concentrating on them.

The only thing going through my mind at that moment was that it was him. The same boy i had blinded. My brother and mother didn't explained anything to me when i woke up at hospital that fateful day. It changed everything, my dad dying in an accident resulting in my mother going insane as though we meant nothing in her life.

She wasted away in front of us even though we tried reviving her back to reality by sending her to rehab but nothing worked.  It seemed like she had lost all hope and we weren't the enough reason for her to stay strong.

My brother was always been sweet after the incident at the park but they didn't explained the cause of my fainting and lust of power i still feel running in my veins.

After the death of mom i think he lost it to and started hitting me for the smallest thing. I wasn't even allowed to have friends. Loneliness crept in and basically my life consisted getting abused by my brother and cooking everyday for him to school.

When i completed my high school i decided to ran here. But life is life, not even i could argue with that.

It seemed like he didn't liked being ignored and slapped me across the cheek to grab my attention. I didn't let myself flinch as i knew he was the same boy from that fateful day.

But i was also confused as to how he was blinded by the power i think left me to avenge me. In my thoughts i didn't he took me towards another cell, opening the door and slamming it shut. The walls were laden with many torture devices i have never seen in my life. And i was petrified what awaited me.

Scars for life?.

Breaking me till nothing but my ashes were left?.

What else?!.

"How you even answer some of my questions? What have i even done to you that you are so hell-bent on killing and torturing me-"
I said, my voice scratchy from dehydration.

He threw his head back and let out a booming laugh before turning towards me and replying;
"They didn't even tell you what you are?, well this is going to be so much fun. But for now it's story time i think."

He made me sit on a chair as he chained my legs and wrists to with a silver chain. I also forgot to mention he has been wearing gloves and constantly avoided skin-contact.

Just as i thought about it he asked me; "do you know what mates are", saying while removing his gloves and then just as he touched my skin millions of tiny sparks exploded and a pleasant feeling settled down in my heart.

"No" I murmured looking up at him apprehensively, just as i said that he wore his gloves back and asked him from which device i wanted to be tortured first.

When i didn't replied he grabbed a dagger with beautiful traditional engravings on it's handle. He started walking towards me masking his face of any emotions and feelings he started cutting my arms, thighs, abdomen while whispering into my how i deserved this and this was my fault.

My screams of pain were echoing through out the cell which we were in. With the constants sorry's dripping from my mouth, i was sobbing with pain. I looked at him and he at me as his stance was rigid and there was something glimmering in his eyes but i couldn't comprehend which emotion.

I was losing blood and fast. I could feel the black dots behind my eyes as i kept murmuring no more, no more please. He finally took pity at me and punched me in the face resulting in me losing the consciences.

The last thing i heard his say was,

"I will tell you everything from the start when you will wake and you will be sorry for that, for now you're mine"

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