//no. 1//

37 4 3

Nothing is gonna be okay

Shed a tear, shed a tear.
So, shed a tear, shed a tear
Because nothing
Is gonna be okay

She's drowning, drowning
Try to reach the surface
But the top is so far to reach

Drowning, drowning.
Deeper, deeper

She's given up, up, up,
She's going down, down, down

She wants a perfect story,
But hers is fucked up

Desperate for company,
Yet pushing everyone away

Where can she buy this love?
Where can she buy this love?

She's lost, lost, lost,
She's leaving, leaving, leaving,
She's gone, gone, gone,
Gone, gone, gone

So, until death does her part,
She keeps living this fake life
She can't decide to be real or be fake?
It's so hard to chose, so hard to choose.

This broken girl needs love.
She needs hope
She needs help

But she's so broken her pieces don't fit
They tore and tore until they were no more

She comes clean, clean,
But now life is hell, hell

Did she choose wrong?


What a failure, looser, disgrace
Embarrassment, disappointment

She picks up pen and paper to write her feelings
But she lost her words

And her hope
And her love
And her friends
And herself

She is lonely.
She is sad.
She hates herself because everyone hates her.

What a loser
What a wimp
Get up
Get up
How sad
So desperate

Broken, broken, broken
That's all she is
Because there are no happy endings in her life
They are all dead ends
So she gives up;

Because nothing
Is gonna be okay

Feb. 2nd, 2019

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