//no. 4//

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Hey guys! I'm back! I just wanna thank everyone who read, commented, and voted for this book! Ily ❤️

DESCRIPTION: So, this is the poem that I read for my school talent show. (ik it sounds lame, but it was fun!) This poem is basically just me ranting about the negative part of middle school. Enjoy!


I'm new to this place,
Like I'm born again
In a crude and unpolished society.

I'm in a new place,
And up hops my anxiety.

Okay, I can manage.
I've had to walk on thin wire,
As I do here.

I hope I write like
A legend, a god
In this judgement-filled place.

When I have to depend on
Someone or something,
I tend to descend into chaos
When they don't do their part.

Maybe some time I'll be in command,
And I'll demand some respect
And for help with the matter at hand...

And curiosity killed the cat.
There is
A point I'm trying to get at,
Maybe someday I'll get to it,

But it's too hard to find,
Just like the end of a rainbow,
A meaning to life,
I guess I could find it if
I just keep running,
And running,
And running.

But you know,
It's hard sometimes.
Trying to find where
You're going,
Trying to find where you're at.

Sometimes I put up a wall,
So damn tall,
It might be close call when it
Comes to pulling myself out.

This may be a surprise to you,
But I'm insecure.
Oh, who am I kidding?
To put it out there
And I'm aware
That when the day is done,
There won't be anyone around.

Sometimes I just want to flip off the world
And curse, and curse, and curse,
Until things start to get worse.

When you ask me how I am
I have to say I'm okay,
Because that conversation
Is for another day.

And I put on a fake smile,
Once in a while,
It seems like everything is okay.
And to make matters worse,
I start to think the glass
Is half empty
When the glass is half full,
And life seems to get dull.

And everything I say
Seems to be a mouthful,
Words twisting on my
Because human speech
Is sixty percent self-centered.
And I have entered the chat...

Halfway through,
I still have no idea
What I'm talking about,
And I doubt I'll ever know...

Just like everything else,
I can't wrap my head around
The fact I need to keep going,
But I can't.

I'm just throwing in
The fact I never learned
How to write,
And the pressure is just
Getting too tight,
I can't take it.
I'll try with all of my might
To get out of here,
And run,
And disappear.

So good riddance to you.

I'm so sad when I miss
Little moments,
I can't go back
Because time cannot replace
This empty space in my heart
And in my head.

I have a new view on life through
Years of pain,
Of sadness,
Of let downs,
Of excitement,
Of happiness,
Of friends who came and went.

Was it time well spent
Waiting and waiting?
But it's just a small
Percent of the rest of forever.

I hope I don't take an hour
Trying to get through to you
Seeing as I'm self-centered.

But now that I'm done,
I guess I have the power,
The inspiration,
The fake confidence I tricked myself
Into having,
To get up here and talk
While you sit there,
So square up.

Hold up,
One last thing,
While I'm here,
Standing on this stage,
I might as well say it,
I'll miss you all.
So yeah,
That's the end.
Might I recommend that you leave,
Because I have left the chat..

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jul 04, 2019 ⏰

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