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We all can agree,key to be a baddie is to having the right attitude.

♡ Confidence.
You cannot walk into a room with your head down&expect anyone to think your a baddie.

Walk in, head up & make eye contact.

Remember you slay all these bitches in one.

Have a Bad Attitude.
Put yourself in social level.Do NOT speak to everyone,on any social level.

Be rude and mean sometimes goes a long way with people.

They will admire you about being bad.Really bad.

Remember you are the best of the best,the worst of the worst.

♡Be the life of the party.
If you are going to be bad,having fun need to take the front seat.You have to always be looking for the theme,the party,the angle.

•Laugh sometimes,but when you don't laugh nobody should.

•When you walk into the room,your friends should be equally glad to see you and terrified.Everyone should notice of your attitude,your walk &yo style✌You've got to ooze danger.

♡Βe late for everything.
Be on time is for dorks,brown-nosers, and teachers' pets.

The bell is ringing for the class?So what?Who cares?There is no sense in being on time.The party starts when you walk in the door anyway.They'll wait.

•Α bad bitch never shows up to a party until is in full swing.Roll up late,
a couple hours after it was supposed to start.Never be the first one that show up.

♡Break small rules to assert your badness.
Little rules are meant to be broken.That's how people will know you're one of the bad kids and not some rule-abiding citizen.Find little things you can do wrong without getting into serious trouble and you'll get a reputation as a rule-breaker and a bad kid.

Break the dress code by wearing jewelry, or the wrong colors on the wrong day. Always chalk it up to a mistake. "I didn't know," should be your catch phrase, followed closely by, "What'd I do?"

Predent like you don't care about the punishments.
If you're bad enough, you're going to end up spending a considerable amount of time being punished. When you're a kid, that might mean going straight to bed without supper, being sent to time out, being suspended from school, or even worse punishments. As you get older, the punishments will get more severe. Whatever the consequences, face them with icy and stoic poise. Be cool in the face of your punishment.

When you learn your punishment, say something cool, like "Sounds fun." You'll take all the wind out of your punisher's sales.

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