Attitude pt 2

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♡Criticaze instead of complaining.
When you're talking to someone, never pay them any compliments. Instead, find reasons to point out things they've done wrong. Point out little failures and big disappointments. Go off topic if necessary. Never let anyone else succeed.

•Practice the back-handed compliment: "You're so good looking. I bet you wish you were smarter, though."

•Practice the humble brag: "Oh you went to France, huh? I went there like five years ago. It's ok I guess. I was kind of bored. I guess you like it though."

♡Never start conversations but end them with negativity. 
You should be like a black hole for other peoples' ability to communicate.

Sit with a scowl on your face and never contribute anything to conversation.

If a topic comes up that you're interested in, just sneer and scoff. People will steer clear of you eventually, but that's part of the gig, buddy.

Don’t keep up your end of talking. Don’t ask questions or act like a good listener. Just stay focused on yourself.

♡Smirk instead of smiling.
No matter how bad you are, eventually–somehow, someday–you're probably going to crack a smile or two. Something will be funny, especially the misfortune of others. But when someone slips and falls on the ice, or you learn about a terrible school bus accident, you can't smile like a doofus: ya gotta smirk. Learn to smirk instead of smiling.

Try this: imagine you've got a fishhook through one corner of your mouth, and someone's pulling it up. Now squint your eyes and nod slowly, as if you're totally satisfied with what you're seeing, but can't be bothered to really care about it one way or another. Perfect.

♡Make your resting face a scowl.
Practice this in the mirror: furl your eyebrows into a scrunched up scowl, as if you were concentrating really hard. Turn your nose up like something smells terrible. And frown.

Turn your smile upside down, like you had two fishhooks hanging from the corners of your mouth. Beautiful. Make this face at all times.

♡Use closed body language. A bad kid should look totally unapproachable. That means crossed legs, crossed arms, slouching, and a drooping head. Look as if it's physically painful to sit up straight. If you have to sit next to someone, sit as far away as possible from them, as if the idea of physical contact would make you nauseated.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 02, 2019 ⏰

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