Love Of My Life

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You know how the guy is the Knight in shining armour. Well in my cute ass relationship we have shifts. At first I was her Knight in shining armour. But then there was a time where she was my Knight in shining armour. This doesn't make any sense but yeah. We're both so cute that we argue just to determine who's cuter and that's just adorable. My princess always says that she doesn't wanna eat. But then when people around her eats. She'll stare and she starts gulping her own saliva and the look in her eyes is just so cute. I don't know why she denies that she doesn't wanna eat at times. But still I being her best boyfriend will buy her food then she'll become jolly and thats just priceless. Once I asked her to give me a recording of her voice as my alarm, and she sent me a pick up line that goes "If I got a star for everytime you brighten me up, I'll hold a galaxy.", I turned that into my alarm. That right there's just get my morning going. I need to hear her voice first thing in the morning to get me going. My kebabe likes to annoy me, but the funny thing is that instead of feeling annoyed, I feel happy and glad that I'm the one she's annoying and not another guy. Whenever I'm about to get mad at her, I look at her cute face and her adorable eyes, then I forget about everything and let her off the hook, remaining in a state of awe.

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