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I've been wondering, pondering, as it turns out, love is a double - edged sword, and forever will be. Sure it makes one happy, it sure makes one hurt too. As humans we grow, but there are things you just can't grow past. Happily ever after, will never exist, due to other circumstances, a couple will fight. It is from these fights they grow, evolve, understand each other better. Its just unfortunate that a human never stops growing or changing, hence, the fights never stops. Truth be told, you can never please everyone, sometimes, not even your loved ones, we just have to let go. You go out of your way, trying your absolute best to show someone to prove someone wrong, but if that particular person doesn't acknowledge, what can you do? Lao Tzu, a Chinese philosopher once said "When you are content to be simply yourself and don't compare or compete, everyone will respect you." The famous celebrity of J.F Kennedy's era, Marilyn Monroe quotes "Imperfection is beauty, madness is genius, and it's better to be absolutely ridiculous than absolutely boring." As a bystander, it hurts to watch your loved one, putting in 100% and not get acknowledge, it hurts to watch your loved one sacrificing sleep, health, just to prove someone wrong, it hurts to watch when your loved one is crippling while you're fine, but not being able to do a single thing. It hurts to watch when your loved one is damaging him or herself just to please the people around them, for you'll never know when they reach their breaking point, a point where your future with them I crushed, and all you're left with are the memories. I'm not here to tell you to stop trying, but as Ralph Waldo Emerson says "To be yourself in this constant changing world, is the biggest accomplishment."

If you do read this, I love you and forever will love you like the first day I fell in love with you.

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