Hi there

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Hey there my dudes. In this book I'm pretty much just gonna be ranting and telling story's from my life. I shan't say my name because I don't like it much so just call me H. I'm 16 and very much Irish even tho I was born in the USA. To anyone on here who has talked to me and for some reason is intimidated by me don't be because I cry like a bitch during lion documentary's on the discovery channel.

I am completely serious. I love to fight and I'm known as a "bad kid" but shit I got a weak ass heart. I'm bi or pan or which ever sexuality means I'll stick my dick in anything. I think that's a good introduction so now for the hard part. How to actually start this book. I geuss I'll start with some recent stuff. Just got moved into a new much nicer place then where I was before so that's some good o shit. Don't have wifi or data yet which blows cause if I'm not on my feet im online.

I live in "hold my beer" land which is just right below "everyone is equal" land. Yes that was a joke don't fucking report my book. If you didn't understand (jackass) I meant I live in the south right below the north. In  america BTW for all the non Americans here. I was born here but my moms family came from Ireland and my dad's from Scotland so I've got pale skin red hair and whiskey for blood.

Despite the jokes I make I'm very proud of my heritage and where I came from as most people should be (besides the Germans for obvious reasons). I don't have an accent of any kind but if I hear an Irish accent I'll adapt it without trying as alot of people from the south can with southern accents. I have a huge fucking family but I'm the only one with red hair out of everyone. I'm not complaining tho because in the states most redheads hold a murderous hate for one another. No reason at all we just naturally hate each other. I always thought of it like a Territorial thing.

I don't think I've ever had one red head friend if that proves my point. The last red head a met was in middle school and I slammed his head into a desk for giving me shit about a crush I had right infront of her. Fun stuff huh.

Everytime I write in this book its usually every couple of hours which is why my moods and storys change alot in a short time span of reading. Just a warning on why I jump around alot. On another note. Im probably gonna publish this soon and then get to actually storys in the second chapter. So I geuss thanks for checking my book out and peace.

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