Bum Bum Bum

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Anyone who thinks DC is better then marvel go ahead and get the fuck out my book. Not really but DC has been trash. It's been slowly getting shitter for years. Marvel is getting both better and worse at the same time which is werid but keeps things interesting. DC tho? It's just gonna end up dying unless it actually does something with its self. Also looking at the xmen with that statement.

And now onward. I hate my god damn dogs sometimes. I have two pitbulls one named Benny and another named Luna. Luna is mine mine so when i move out she's coming with me. But Benny is a fucking moron. Anytime I take him outside he just runs off and avoids me. And the dumbass doesn't understand when he's in trouble either you pop his nose or but and he just wags his tail and trys to lick you. He just doesn't get anything.

Luna on the other hand is extremely smart. If she does something its definitely on purpose. She's not evil or anything she's just a dick sometimes.

Wanna hear a joke?

Toast is just Jewish bread. Budunt chiiii.

Its pretty weak but I'm still going to hell for it.

I'll probably make alot of Jew jokes or just racist jokes in general so just prepare yourselfs for it. I got the whole mature setting on for my book so you don't listen to the warning thats not my fault.

Speaking of racism. Me and my friend J have been arguing over whose country of heritage is better. I'm Irish and he's mexican. He says his country got hoes, coke and partys for cheap. Bitch it also got the cartel stfu. At least Ireland's got a beautiful land scape Mexico looking like a waste land from fallout 3. Ireland? Full of happy drunk vampires. Mexico? Your gonna get shot by a 9 year old with a shotgun within your first day there.

Ireland actually has animals. Mexico has crazed half naked crack heads looking for some blow. You can actually walk around by yourself in Ireland. I wouldnt recommend taking a stroll in mexico. Should be pretty self explanatory why.

He's still convinced Mexico is better then Ireland tho so idk how to convince him otherwise. We also argued over which countrys were tougher. He said Russia but only in the winter when their at their peak strength. I think Scotland is a close second because think about it. Scotland's just a slightly fatter and drunker Russia. Plus. Their red heads. We can't feel pain. So I'd say Scotland's a close second to Russia.

On another note that randomly popped in my head I recently turned 16. Not much of a big deal or anything but I got a car. It's a 2002 something or other so it's not fancy or anything its got the ac out but its alot better then nothin. Only bad thing? I don't even have my permit at the moment so I can't drive the damn thing either way. It just sits there taunting me.

On another note considering I wrote that like two or three days ago. Today's my brothers birthday and also saint Patrick's day the fucking day of my people. So fuck yeah to me. I just wanna say personally fuck every other country besides Ireland. Your all pansies. Gingers will rule we're spreading fast. Prepare.

I fucking love saint Patrick's day. I'm around thousands of people getting drunk celebrating an Irish holiday and shit. It's almost better then Halloween to me. Halloween wins tho because I get a fuck ton of free candy and not much beats free candy am right?

Although I do get to pitch the shit out of people today and that's nice to so it's kinda a toss up here. But then again I get to dress up as crazy shit on Halloween so that bumps it up a bit. Halloween parts are usually better then saint Patrick's day parts so yeah hallweens winning for now.

And have you ever met someone with a fear of midgets? Like a genuine fear? Yeah my mom is terrified of midgets. Like she will drop kick and run before she'd ever let one get within ten feet of her. It's fuckin werid. One time when I was like 9 I had to pay for food at the store because the cashier was a midget and my mom just dipped. I had her card and everything but still I was 9 I didn't know what the fuck I was doing.

Alright I'm gonna end the chapter here cause I just don't feel like writing anymore. Peace to everyone and have a grand fucking day.

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