Crush? Chapter 2

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The trio all looked at the floor. " uhh..." Kankuro said while looking down. Gaara was so new to everything so it took a while for him to understand what like meant.      " So you mean like as in a friendship sorta way right ?" Gaara asked, still to embarrassed to look up. Temari put her hand on gaaras shoulder and sighed, " no, I mean that you have a thing for naru-" she was cut off by kankuro. " It means you wanna date him to put it simply." Temari hit kankuro in the arm. " Kankuro !" Kankuro rubbed his arm and said " whaaatt ? Its true !" Gaara put his hands over his face and groaned. Temari hit kankuro again before turning to gaara " its okay .." She said with an awkward smile. " You know gaara, its getting pretty late so you should go to bed." Temari said as she pushed gaara into his room and said " nighty night." Temari came over to kankuro and whispered " gaara has a crush a naruto... I never thought that I would have to explain love to him." Kankuro smiled and whispered " gaara is a confusing kid Temari." Gaara slightly opened the door to hear what they were whispering about. " He might just be confused." Temari whispered. Kankuro crossed his arms and said," Even if he is confused... once gaara makes up his mind - " Temari sighed and said with kankuro " there's no changing it." Gaara slowly closed the door and layed down on his bed. " Naruto" gaara sighed, " you have no idea what you're doing to me." Gaara closed his eyes and soon he was sleeping.

( Le next day )

" Gaara... gaara." Temari said in a gentle whisper, " its time for school. " Gaara groaned and pulled the covers over his head. Kankuro yanked the covers off of him. "get up redhead you have to go to school" Kankuro said with a smile. " Kankuro ! " Temari yelled while hitting him with a newspaper. " Oooowww" Kankuro whined. Gaara rolled out of bed and sluggishly went to go take a shower. A few minutes later gaara came out of the shower, threw on a hoodie,some jeans , and grabbed his book bag. " Later Kankuro, later Temari." Gaara said and began walking to school. " Hey gaara !" A voice called from behind him. Gaara turned around to see naruto running towards him. " Oh, hey naruto." Gaara said while rubbing his arm. Naruto started walking with Gaara to school. As they were walking naruto grabbed Gaaras hand. Gaara looked at Naruto who was smiling at him. Gaara looked down and could feel his face heating up and his heart racing and all because Naruto held his hand. " Alright Gaara, I'm going to class see ya later!" Naruto said before hugging Gaara and running into the school. Gaara looked a bit shocked when Naruto hugged him yet it felt comforting. Gaara liked this feeling but didn't want to admit it " L-later Naruto " Gaara said trying to keep his voice as normal as possible. He walked into the school after Naruto.

( Gaara POV)

I stepped into the large prison people call school. I walked into my homeroom and sat at my desk. I couldn't stop thinking about Naruto. This felt unnatural, I never felt like this around anybody. Speak of the devil, I seen Naruto come into the classroom. Luckily he sits in the back of the class. " Alright guys" said ( the teacher who I have no name for so kakashi can be the teacher.) " We are going to be changing seats." He began to sit students in different seats and I guess the universe hates me because I sit right next to Naruto. I can not believe this I have to sit by my so-called crush and I just realized that I didn't do my math homework. I just wanted the day to be over. The bell rang which was my cue to go. I stood up and headed towards the door. " The bell doesn't dismiss you, I do." Mr kakashi said. I sighed and said " Then what's the bell for ?" Before exiting the room. I still can't get Naruto off my mind. Ugh this is the worst !  I don't want to talk about it because its embarrassing and Naruto is in most of my classes. " Hey Gaara..." Naruto said and walked in front of me. " Hey Naruto " I replied. Naruto smiled and looked down at the floor. " Wanna go hang out after school ?" I felt like my heart exploded got mixed around in a blender fixed with glue and then exploded again. " S-sure ! " I stuttered. My efforts at trying to sound cool were extremely cringe. Naruto smiled and began to walk away but before he did I tapped him on the shoulder. He turned around and asked " what ?" I looked into his blue eyes and I felt like the world around me was completely gone. I had realized that I was staring at him. " Uhh I was just wondering if you wanted to sleep over at my house." I looked at the floor covering my red face.  "Sure." Naruto said and smiled before walking to class. What was I getting myself into ?

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