Day and night chapter 3

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Gaara POV 

I fell asleep through all of my classes and I'm pretty sure I have detention but I don't care, its not like I'll go anyways. I stepped outside and stretched. I felt something grab my waist. I turned around to see naruto giggling. My face began to get hot to turned away so that naruto couldn't see my face. " W-what are you doing naruto ?" I asked shyly. Naruto let go of me and said " I was looking for you, you said that we could hang out." I felt a bit of relief but I still felt nervous because I have to spend all day AND night with Naruto, not to mention that we have to sleep in the same bed. " Oh, right...." I mumbled while looking down. Naruto smiled and pulled me along while saying " Well what are we waiting for ? Cmon !" I know that I shouldn't like him because hinata is his girlfriend and we're friends but I do fantasize from time to time, thinking about being able to be with naruto. Hinata is pretty lucky but sadly, I will never be able to confess to him. I was so lost in thought that I almost didn't realize that we were walking. We arrived in the park and the sun was setting. Naruto and I sat on the grass and began talking to each other. I kept looking out at the sun, it was really pretty actually. The beautiful pinks and yellows and oranges all blending perfectly creating artwork in the sky. Naruto sighed and said something to me that changed my life. " Gaara, I know this sounds weird but.... I never realized how pretty your eyes were." I turned to naruto feeling kind of flustered. " Oh uh... thanks Naruto" I said turning away. I didn't know what else to say, why can't I just use some kind of magic spell that just makes me not feel this way about Naruto. Naruto put his arm around me and layed on my shoulder. I wanted to screech until my voice was gone.

Naruto POV

I noticed Gaaras face turn red when I put my arm around him. " Hey Gaara... are you feeling okay ?" I said feeling a bit concerned. Gaara turned to me and laughed awkwardly " Y-yeah I'm just hot that's all." I smiled and fell asleep on his shoulder. Gaara was really comforting and he kept me company. I get bored with nobody around so when Gaara hangs out with me I feel really excited. He's an amazing person and I'm really glad that he is in my life. I woke up on Gaaras back. " Hey Gaara " I said smiling. Gaara paused before saying "H-hey Naruto." I slid off of his back and began walking with him. Gaara grabbed my arm and layed his head on it. I looked at Gaara who was really red. " Are you okay?" I asked. Gaara nodded and turned away from me. Soon we were at Gaaras house. Gaara ran in front of me and unlocked the door. I smiled at him and walked into his house. His house was really warm and clean too. Nothing like my house. "Hey Gaara, hey Naruto." Temari said with a smile. "Hi Temari" I responded back. Gaara came over to Temari and whispered something to her. Temari nodded and Gaara came back over to me. " So uh.. can I show you something ? Gaara asked shyly. "Sure" I said and began following Gaara. He led me to the roof and patted a seat next to him. I sat by him watching our legs dangle off the roof. Gaaras eyes sparkled a lot in the sun but in the moonlight his eyes looked like diamonds. I put my hand onto Gaaras. He looked at me and then at his then at his hand then back at me. We ended up staring at each other which felt a bit awkward but then Gaara turned away looking embarrassed. " Sorry Naruto, I didn't mean to stare " Gaara said softly. " No, its okay I was just admiring your eyes again..." I put my hand on his cheek and smiled at him and said " You're really special to me Gaara, I love you." Gaara blushed and said quietly " Y-you love me ?" I blushed and stammered " The moon looks really pretty." Gaara looked out and nodded " Yeah, It does. " 

Gaara POV 

Naruto just said he loved me ... I want to screech

I leaned close to Naruto and whispered " I love you to naruto" Luckily he didn't hear me. We sat on the roof all night talking and laughing. Wait no ! I can't like him I shouldn't, but I do.

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