Hope and dreams, My everlasting flames part 1. chapter 4

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Gaara POV

I woke up with naruto laying down on my lap. I smiled until a feeling of sadness came over me. I know that he's not mine and I can't just hold him hostage or force him to love me, besides he has hinata. I looked down before gently laying him down on the roof top and standing up. " I love you naruto ... " I said getting off of the roof and going to go wash up for school. Temari and Kankuro ran towards me yelling random questions like " Can you walk fine ?" or " DiD YoU sMaSh !???" I looked at them and sighed. " We talked and we slept... that's all." Kankuro and Temari looked at each other then back at me. " YOU SLEPT TOGETHER HUEHUEHUEEEE !" Temari yelled while teasing me. I couldn't say no because it was true so I yelled " YES B-BUT NOT LIKE THAAATT ! YOU GUYS ARE SO CHILDISH !" I felt my face heat up. " Awww how cute he's blushing." Kankuro teased while pinching my face. I pushed his hands off of me and went into the bathroom. Naruto came off of the roof and followed me into the bathroom. I locked the door and sat down on the tub. " Hey naruto " I said. He looked at me and asked " Gaara... Can I uh ask you a question ?" I started to get a little bit nervous but I said " Sure ?" Feeling kind of anxious. Naruto sat next to me and asked " Were you being serious when you said you loved me ?" I looked at him and stammered. He looked at me and bit his lip " you ... you are really..." He looked away from me. " you're very special to me gaara" he looked back at me and put his hand on my neck. " You are the reason I try harder everyday, you're my motivation." I stood up and then of course he stood up too. Naruto grabbed my waist and pulled me close to him. He was so tall compared to me so I had to look up at him if I wanted to see his face. He looked down at me and his nose touched mine. My face felt really hot and if we were a small bit closer we would've been kissing by now. Naruto kissed my forehead and then he started kissing my neck. He quickly moved away from me and looked down. " sorry." He muttered. I smiled and looked at myself in the mirror. Naruto put his hands around my waist again and buried his head in my shirt. Today is gonna be a good day.

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 14, 2019 ⏰

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