Chapter 3

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Matt's PoV:

Magcon has been so much fun! I didn't want to go home! Unfortunately, I had to...

I was looking forward to seeing my family and Oliver again, but I was gonna miss these guys, especially Carter.


He was so beautiful...

His black hair was so soft, his body was hot, but what I loved most about Carter's appearance, were his eyes. His beautiful brown eyes. Eyes that perfectly showed how much he cared for you.

He had that look in his eyes whenever he looked at me. I don't know why he would look at me like that, but he did. And I loved it.

Carter had been looking after me throughout this whole weekend. He made sure I at least ate something during meals and made sure I was happy. I really did feel happy this weekend. I felt like I was wanted.

He couldn't do anything about the cutting, though, mostly because he didn't know I did.

I cut again after the first Magcon. For every time I had told a lie to my fans and for the usual reasons, you know? Like living and the stuff like that.

I was now on my plane home. I was listening to music, minding my own business, when suddenly a guy came up to me.

"Hey, you're Matt Espinosa, right?"

I smiled. "Yeah, that's me. Can I help you?"

"No, I just wanted to tell you that you should stop living. You're so gay and not funny at all," he said matter-of-factly, before walking off.

Tears started to well up in my eyes as I quickly ran to the bathroom. I sat down on the toilet, crying. I needed to talk to someone. Someone who could stop me from cutting, even though that person wouldn't know I did. Someone like Carter. Or like those nice fans, Michelle and Damian...

But since I couldn't call them while on the plane, I ended up slashing the razor I kept in my pocket across my wrist four or five times.

I wiped my eyes on my sleeve, checking if you couldn't see any signs of crying on my face with the front-camera of my phone, and walked back to my seat. I noticed we were about to land, so I buckled my seat-belt. I couldn't find the boy from earlier anywhere.

At the airport I saw my mom waiting to pick me up.

"Mom!" I yelled, running up to her and giving her a hug.

She chuckled. "Hi Matt. Had fun?"

"I loved it! But I missed you too." She laughed. "I missed you too, sweetie."

Back home I unpacked my suitcase and decided to lay down for a while. I needed some sleep.


"Matt! Wake up! You need to get ready for school!"

I groaned. "I don't wanna!"

I heard my mom chuckle downstairs. "I'll call Dylan on you!" she warned.

"Alright, I'm up!" I groaned again.

I got up. How long have I slept for? Guess I missed dinner.

- Skip morning routine -

"Hey dude," Oliver said, walking up to me and hugging me tight.

Oliver and I were super-close, so we missed each other a lot when I was away, even though it might have been only a weekend.

"Hey Ol."

"Did you have fun?"

A huge smile grew over my face. "I loved it!"

"Glad to hear. Any hot dudes?" he smirked. Even though Oliver was as straight as a pole, he was probably the most supportive of all the people who knew about my sexuality, always asking if I had seen nice-looking guys or searching for a possible hook-up for me when we went out.

I rolled my eyes. "As a matter of fact, I have." And so I started a monologue about Carter and how perfect he was. How he always tried to cheer me up.

"Sounds like someone has a crush on Carter."

"Shut up," I laughed, although I did really think about my true feelings for Carter. Did I just think of him as a great friend, or something more?

"No, but seriously, I do think he's a great guy. So," he started, dragging out the last word and wiggling his eyebrows expectantly. When I looked at him confused, he sighed and said: "When do I get to meet him and the others?"

I laughed. "Soon. Maybe you can come with us to the next Magcon event. I'm sure they'd love to meet you!"

"That'd be great. Now, I'm off to Chemistry, see ya later!" He waved and walked off to his classroom.

I decided that it would be best to not be seen alone, so I quickly hurried off to my History class.

The only reason I really took History was because it was either this or Physics and I really sucked at Physics.

One advantage: my History teacher was so fucking hot.

I sat down in the back of the classroom, where no one would really noticed me. Not that anyone would bother to look for me. Everyone always avoided me, afraid of being bullied too when they were caught near me. Oliver was the only one that took the risk and became my friend. He was bullied too, but he didn't care. Whenever someone called him names he would just yell something witty back at them and continue his business. Nobody tried to physically hurt him, because he looked really tough and intimidating. I knew from experience he wasn't that strong. I could beat him easily in a fight.

"Hey, the fag's back!" yelled someone from the front of the class. I tensed up as all people in the class turned to look at me.

"I must admit, I missed my punching bag..." Dave, the great leader, said. "Don't think we'll go easy on you after school! We have a lot of catching up to do!"

"Smith! Sit down, right now!" Mr. Williams snapped from the doorway.

I mouthed a thank you at him when Dave sat down and Mr. Williams walked to his desk.

"Right class, sorry I'm late, please open your books to page 394!"

- Skip boring school day -

After school I said goodbye to Oliver and quickly walked home. I always tried to avoid Dave and his cronies, but I never succeeded.

Right when I turned the last corner, thinking I might have finally made it, I was pulled into an alley.

A punch to the face told me it was exactly who I thought it was.

"This is gonna be fun..." Dave said, as two guys behind him laughed.


So, this is officially the last chapter before I start my usual update per weekend.

Comment and vote please! :3


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