Chapter 8

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Matt's PoV:

I must admit, I was pissed at Carter. But Oliver over-exaggerated a little, if you ask me.

I wasn't even allowed to be next to Carter during meet-and-greets.

I know it was slowly killing him. Not that I find myself so important, but Carter stopped looking after himself. He got paler, he had huge bags under his eyes, and his face had become a lot skinnier. I noticed he ate even less than me.

I worried about him.

Something else I noticed was how close Michelle and Taylor were becoming. They had been spending a lot of time together and they hugged a lot, lately. She usually did that with Damian.

Speaking of which, Damian was also looking a lot more sad, lately.

I spoke to him about it, right before we left:

"Hey, Damian, tell me, what's wrong?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing. I'm fine." He smiled, but he pulled his sleeves further over his hands and scratched his wrists.

"You're not," I stated.

"I know, I'm not. Don't tell anyone. Only you and Michelle know."

"I won't. But you do need to go get help."

"I don't see you doing the same thing," Damian snapped.

I felt hurt,  but before I could say anything, Michelle called him over to her.

Right now, I was at home with Oliver. We were watching a movie.



"Do you still like Carter?"

"A lot."



"Just wondering. You'd make a cute couple."

I blushed. "Thanks."

"I know I've been a bit strict on him. I'll apologize to him tomorrow, okay?"

"Alright." I smiled.

Carter's PoV:

I was now sitting at home, being really depressed. The event had ended earlier today.

I wanted to talk to Matt, but I wasn't allowed to. I needed my best friend, but Oliver won't let me get close to him. Never mind that he lives in a different state, but whatever.

I had even been distancing myself from Deborah. I didn't feel attracted to her anymore... I was getting more and more into, you guessed it, Matt... I know, I'm too late anyway. He probably hates me now. He had ignored me the remainder of the event.

I was getting so much hate, lately. My fans had seen the true side of Deborah, and were now hating on me for dating her. She also had a huge fight with Matt the other day on Twitter, in which, I must admit, Matt totally slayed Deborah.

Matt... I miss you so fucking bad, man...

I need you...

Matt's PoV:

"Oliver, please drive carefully," I said, hugging him tight.

"God, Matt, you're acting like it's storming outside. It's just a bit of rain."

"A bit?! It is storming outside! Please stay the night. I don't want you driving through this!"

"I need to bring that suit to my grandparents' house," Oliver said. "But you can join?"

"O-Okay, I guess. It's better than staying here and worrying over you."

"Alright, come on."

We went outside and got into Oliver's car. He started the engine and we drove off.

I started raining even harder and I could barely see out the window, but Oliver didn't seem bothered. He was happily singing along to this song. It was French, so I didn't understand a single thing, but Oliver speaks French fluently, so I guess he knew what it was about.

We got to his grandparents' house safely. They lived at the edge of a big forest, so the way over there was pretty lonely and scary at night.

After giving them the suit and drinking a cup of coffee, we went back to the car.

As we were speeding down the road, I was getting increasingly scared. "Oliver, can you please slow down? We're going way too fast!"

"Nah, we're almost there."

But as soon as we drove around the corner, we slipped.

The car tumbled down the hill and stopped at the bottom, upside-down.

My head hurt and I was slowly losing consciousness.

I looked to my side, seeing Oliver, head down and blacked out. He had a cut in his head and he was bleeding.

"O-Oliver..." I stammered out, before everything went black.


I know this is really short and sucky... :( But I had this thing in my head and I needed to write it and upload it... I only like the chapter from Carter's PoV and on. But yeah...I'm very sorry, I know I'm a failure :/

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