Chapter Nine

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Reo's PoV

It's dark again, I'm back in the lab. I need to get out of this room and suddenly I am. The other experiments and I are running, we just got out of the building, an enraged voice sounds from behind us,


I hear a bang sound and suddenly number three collapses behind me and quickly one of the many guards catch up and me and the other experiments are forced to leave him behind, me attempting to ignore number threes final thoughts, continuing to run, gradually the other experiments fall as well blood pouring out from various points on their bodies. Soon it's only me and number 13 left. I hear another bang behind us and something inside me snaps, all I'm thinking about at this moment is that me and number 13 need to get out alive. The bullets freeze in mid-air and are quickly sent back to the ones that fired them, going straight through their heads. Number 13 and I began to run once again and suddenly we're falling, it's pitch black, Himari is now standing next to me, I hear a bang and suddenly I can no longer move nor can I use my powers and I can do nothing but watch as a bullet pierces her head, she falls to the ground with all the other experiments. They all slowly stand up, their eyes dead, gunshot wounds on various body parts and blood staining what minimal clothing they had on.

"If you weren't such a coward, we'd still be alive big brother"

"If you hadn't been so useless, we wouldn't have gotten hurt"

"It'S yOuR FaUlT We'Re DeAd"

They all say in unison, their dead eyes seemingly boring into whatever's still left of my soul. No no no No NO STOP IT, STOP IT STOP IT STOP IT. Slowly each of the corpses, who used to be my family, turn into the people I've met since I've escaped. The host club and Shinobu are standing before me, all looking at me with disgust.

"You're a freak, we can't be seen with you any more"

" Why would we want to be around someone as useless as you"

" We should get you back, to where you actually belong"

A cacophony of gunshots ring out and all of my friends are on the ground. Dead. Just like my family. NO NO NO NO, LET ME WAKE UP, LET ME WAKE UP, PLEASE, STOP IT, PLEASE STOP IT.

Himari's PoV

I can hear brother screaming. I'm scared. Is he okay? Slowly, cautiously, I get out of bed. I walk down the hall, now also hearing things crash and numb around inside brothers room, I peek through a gap on the door and see brother on his bed thrashing around, and various objects flying around the room, crashing into the walls and each other, brother's face looks like he's in pain, I walk into his room and avoiding the objects flying around, eventually make it to his bed. I put my hand on his shoulder and he immediately stills, I shake him slightly to try and wake him up. I don't like seeing brother in pain, it makes me sad and scared, sad because I don't like being sad and I don't think anyone would and scared because big brother is really brave and strong, if something is bad enough to make him sad, I don't know what it would do to me or anyone else. I see big brother's eyes snap open.

Reo's PoV

I feel my shoulder being shaken and the images begin to fade from my view, just as I feel my consciousness creeping back into my mind, the corpses all snap up in unison and lunge towards me, grabbing on to me and pulling me down with them, suddenly light enters my eyes and I'm staring into the concerned and slightly scared face of my baby sister. I grab her and hug her tightly my face burying itself into her chestnut hair, just so I know that she's actually still here, not injured or dead, feeling an immense sense of relief overwhelm me, I begin to cry silently into her hair. She's safe, she's okay. I'll make sure she'll be safe for as long as I possibly can. If Himari notices the tears slowly seeping into her hair, she doesn't say anything, which makes me incredibly grateful and also makes me realise once again how lucky I am to have someone as sweet as her, as my younger sister. I pull back from her, her obviously trying her hardest not to react too harshly to my tear-stained face.

" How about we have some ice cream and watch Some films today?"

I say hopefully, praying internally that she says yes, 'cause I really need something to take my mind off of my nightmare. Thankfully she nods and we both set off to the kitchen to get some ice cream before going into the living room and putting on my favourite film, how to train your dragon,. Himari and I spend the day watching Disney and eating junk food but my mind wouldn't stop thinking about my nightmare, it had to have meant something, I've been letting the host club get too close to me, I can't get closer than I already have, if they find out about my past they'll betray with no hesitation. I know that. I've experienced that enough and I don't, no I can't let it happen again. I don't think I'll survive if it happens again, whether I die due to the scientists and experiments or to a blade on my wrist. No one else can be allowed to get closer, I will not set myself up for betrayal like I have so many times before. I'd rather die than allow it to happen again.

~1000 Words~

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