C H A P T E R | 6

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       I smile over the rim of my orange juice seeing Celine walking out of her room

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I smile over the rim of my orange juice seeing Celine walking out of her room. It's been a week so far that's she been here and I've noticed since the stunt I pulled, she's been real jumpy around me.

"Morning" I said with a smile as I took in her appearance. Sports bra, work out pants, and sneakers adorned her body. Her swollen belly was on full display and I loved it.

"Morning" she said nonchalantly as she avoided eye contact with me.

"Where you headed?" I asked with a furrowed brow as I watched her maneuver around me in the kitchen.

"To work out" she said back as she concentrated on chopping up a banana for a smoothie she was making.

I was feeling real playful this morning. Putting my cup down, I purposely pressed my shirtless torso against her back and wrapped my hands around her waist resting them on her belly.

I felt her tense up a bit as her movements halted. Gently caressing her belly, I placed my head on her shoulder as I whispered in her ear, "you sleep good last night?"

"Y-Yeah" Celine was never nervous, so I knew I was getting to her.

"That's good" I said softly as I swayed us back and forth.

"Chris what are you doing?" She asked finally finding her sense I'm guessing

"I'm feeling the baby what does it look like?" I asked playfully

"You're not slick" she said pushing my hands off her "and stop touching me so damn much, ask permission"

"Mean ass" I said shaking my head as I backed up

"I'm not mean I just don't understand why you get the impression you can just touch me. Back the fuck up alright?" She said irritated

She didn't have a problem with it before.

"Okay damn chill. Who shit on your cornflakes?"

"I'll be back in thirty" she said ignoring me

"I won't be here when you're back, I'll be at practice" I said "Lucia should be here though while I'm gone, I'll be back at six"

Lucia was a chef that came over to make sure Celine was fed and looked after. That last part I paid her extra for.

"Oh okay" she said focusing back on her smoothie

"Imma go get dressed then" I said tight lipped

She was nice sometimes and it would seem we were getting along, then its like we weren't. We were cordial the past week, so this was a turn.

Hell she even went to my playoff home game the past Saturday in which our team beat the Vikings. Well she probably went cause Nadia was there, but that's besides the point.

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