Lift Off! (written by Mima)

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6. Fly a plane

OoO... I'm gonna fly a plane!! That's a bad idea... Let's do this! I'm fucking excited!!! I need to be professional and get a passenger... then call it an accident when I crash... Who would offer to do that for me though.... I will FORCE Bella to come with me. HEHEHEHEHE. Suck shit Bella you can do nothing to stop me!!!

"Hey, Bella,"

"I don't want any!!! I'm sleeping!!"

"Ok, but, I'm driving a plane today"

"Oh shit! I wanna die wif yoouuuu!!!"

"K, come on let's go!"

"Coming coming" I hear a plonk above me... she just fell off the bed.

"YOU SPASTIC CHILD!!" I say laughing my ass off.

When Bella had finally come downstairs she was still wearing her pj's and was obviously in the middle of a tantrum.

"Bella, what the fuck is wrong this time???" I yell

"I can't find good clothes" she answers, "wait, can I go in these? Omigosh yasss!!! These are adorable and then I can sleep on the plane!"

I sigh... This girl is psycho. But, I admit, I couldn't live without her.

I went on eBay and I found this super super cute pink sparkly plane for only $200!! It's a bargain, isn't it! I bought it and I get it in about 2 days and I CAN'T WAIT!!! I think it's gonna be the perfect little thing in the world.

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