How it began

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It all started when I got to high school. It was my freshman year, and I was so innocent. It started off as a friendship and turned into a lot more, more than I could handle. He was the boy next door, the guy i had had a crush on for my whole life. The only issue was he had a girlfriend. I know, I know you want all the juicy details. Well ill tell you.

His name was Juan, he lived down the street from me my whole life. He was so cute I just melted around him, that is why I never spoke to him before I got to high school. Our first interactions where on the bus ride home. We wouldn't talk on the bus, but we would talk a lot walking down our street. He soon asked for my number so we could talk, and that we did for hours on end. It was extremely friendly and he was so sweet and nice. 

One night Juan started texting me some very dirty things saying he wanted to fuck me missionary position. Now I was very innocent and so the next day at school I asked my friends what missionary even meant. My friend Sarah told me that it meant he wanted to fuck me in a church, I was just as confused as you are now. Quickly Jessica jumped in and informed me that it was a sexual position where the girl is on her back with her legs open. 

Every night the conversation would always get heated to the point we where constantly sending each other pictures. This made walking home with him very difficult for the both of us. He had told me he liked the tight skirts i would occasionally wear, so i wore them almost everyday. Now walking home with him I would be in front of him and abruptly stop causing his dick to press against my ass when he ran into me. 

This continued for a while until one day I told him I was done. I didn't want to do that with him anymore. I just wanted to move on, yes the phone sex was nice but I wanted more than that. I wanted a real relationship. 

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