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"That's a big one." Ezra pointed down at the river stream. Naruto had taken her fishing; well, he did the fishing. If you even call grabbing them with your bare hands fishing. Ezra just pointed out the fish she seen within the stream.

"Where?" Naruto looked around before loosing his footing and falling flat on his bottom. Water seeped into the cotton of his pants as Ezra went into a fit of giggles causing the fox-like boy to blush. He's become so used to being around Ezra within the past few months, he couldn't see himself not seeing her for a day.

Missions were the worst. Sure she seen him off which also made a certain Uchiha jealous, but the moment he turned his back on her, he missed her. He wanted to be with her.

He liked the way she smiled, and how her amber eyes sparkled when she was excited. He liked how interested she was in bugs; something some girls their age didn't like. Ezra didn't care about looking cute to a boy, she'd leave her hair in it's curly mane and call it a day. She ate just about as much food as Naruto does ramen--maybe even more than Choji, and he liked that.

He liked how repulsive Ezra was. If he caught her picking her nose, she'd look right back at him and continue picking her nose. He loved how she became one with nature when she meditated. How her lip quivered when she pouted after knowing he would be leaving for a mission. He loved the little breath she takes when she laughs. He likes when she says his name. That's his favorite. He adores when she refers to him as the Sixth Hokage. Everything about Ezra is what Naruto liked. He was falling for her and he didn't even know it.

Naruto stood and rubbed the back of his neck kind of embarassed.

"Oh Naruto." Her eyes softened at him as she slowly shook her head from one side to the other. "You're so clumsy."

"Heh," He chuckles. "Yeah."

Ezra pressed her lips together. "C'mon, let's get you home so you wont catch a cold." She stood from her squatted position on a boulder and pulled Naruto out of the water by his wrist. Together, the two of them began their journey back to the village. Crows overhead cawed at the setting sun. The wind blowing through the leaves of the tall forest trees and seeping through the hairs of the children.

Ezra pushed her chocolate coils out her face, before rubbing her hands against her arms to create heat. Naruto took notice and removed his coat, placing it over her shoulders. The two made eye contact and blushed before Ezra tore her gaze away.

"Thank you, Naruto." She coos softly. Naruto chewed on his bottom lip and looked away.

"You're welcome." He replies just as softly. The two walked through the forest, back to the village in comfortable silence. Ever so often Naruto would say somethingjust to hear Ezra giggle and call him an idiot.

Kotetsu greeted them as they walked through the entrance gates.

"Hey you two!" He waves at them as they walk past the stand. Izumo was there as well, but he was too busy sleeping--drooling and forming snot bubbles to function properly. "Back from your date already?"

"It wasn't a date Kotetsu shut up already." Naruto yells causing Kotestu to laugh.

The two kept walking, Ezra looking down at the ground as they didn. They were too young to be going on dates, let alone be very fond of eacho other. So what made everyone think they were romantically involved with one another?

Sure Naruto was cute as a button, but Ezra didn't think that Naruto found her even the slightest bit attractive. From her knowledge, Naruto was indeed fond of Sakura, who had a crush on Sasuke, who literally only cared about himself and his journey to vengence on whoever murdered his clan. So therefore, Ezra was nowhere near their concerns for that matter. She was just their friend and it just so happens to be that she was closer to Naruto that Sakura and Sasuke.

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