Chapter 1- Alice

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Ok I’m just going to hop right into this story and not ramble like I did the other one in the beginning.  

( .......................... ) <---is her inner voice (*......................... *) <-----is authors note 

Here ya go...................


"So do you want me to tell you about my life?" 

"Yes I would like you to. That is why I am your counselor. I’m here to help sweetie." 

With that I put a fake ass grin on my face and said, "yep and if you weren’t getting paid you wouldn’t give a shit would ya?" I smirked and walked out leaving her shocked that I said that. 

Wow I really hate this bitch. She thinks something is wrong with me. Ok maybe something is wrong with me. 

Oh yeah I’m Alice by the way. I’m like 5'4"ish with black hair. I have blue eyes. Apparently to some people they are piercing blue eyes. 

Yeah ok what the hell every. I only hear that from the boys trying to get into my pants. Oh did I fail to mention that I live in a town that is nothing but sex starved teenage boys. Yeah well that is what’s wrong with me. Every guy in this town just wants a piece of me. The badass solo girl in their town. Want to know why the hell I’m here? Yeah I thought so too.

Well I got into this 'boy town' if you will, because my dear old dad is the warden at the boarding school type thingy. I don’t know how to explain it. But there is about 500 guys here that I have to deal with. Ok maybe not that many but still a lot. And how this place works is very messed up, my dad knows I have some kind of 'emotional' problems, yeah let’s leave it at that.

"Hey Alice what-whoa you look really pissed off.” Declan asked walking up to me. Declan is one of my very horny roommates. He is like 6'0"ish tall with that amazing hair. You know the longer but not too long dirty blonde hair? Yeah that kind. With blue eyes that can make me go weak at the knees. God it makes me hot just to think about it. He always wears work out shorts and a muscle shirt.  

I share a condo with 5 guys, Declan is obviously one of them.

"Yeah you look pretty pissed." he said putting his arm around my shoulders. This one is Lokus. "Are you going to tell me what wrong babe is?" he said with a smirk on his face as we walked back to the condo. He always calls me babe even though we have nothing together.

Lokus (it’s pronounced like Lucas though) so we just call that strange one Luke. He is about the same height as Declan only this one has jet black hair that is kind of spikey in the back but smooth in the front. (*kind of like Dougy from mcfly*) he has green eyes with grey specs in them. He wears preppy boy stuff like amrocrombie and finch and aeropostal. Yeah he’s a big baby.

"Yeah I was just in with my cou-" damn cut off once again and none other than by....

“You know maybe you should just wait until we get to the house" smirk " You know Matt is on his way right now" he said looking behind us. I followed the gaze to find my Matt. (Just friends! gosh)

Emmett (*yes I took that from twilight. My bff and I are huge Emmett Cullen lovers*) he’s 6'4" so he’s like the tallest one. Yeah pretty tall. He is pretty hot too.  

He’s got brown hair with the same style hair as Declan but brown eyes and a perfectly toned body that is shown very well by his tight shirts and 3/4 shorts he wears. (Now that I think about it they all have nice bodies but any who...) 

I mentally slapped myself for even thinking I could talk without the guys coming to find me like they always do. And here he comes...Matt!

"Ugh fine! I’ll wait until we get inside to know!" Matt groaned running up to the condo door. "Beat you to the recliner" he shouted from the door.

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