Chapter 3- Natalia

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This chapter is not edited at all! But I wanted to post another chapter so no one gets mad. I promise to go back through and revise everything soon as I can!





Natalia POV-

I just left to go meet Lenica at the bar, Coaches Corner,( we both work as waitress’ there when we arent at school.) and I was thinking about my mum. Ill give you some info on her. Well when I was younger, she was mixed with some really bad people and was doing some bad shit. She desided she wanted out but they weren't having that. They ended up finding and killing her and now they want me dead. We have been getting threatening letters in the mall and such. And I know this because my dad is never at our mansion. Hes always gone. Me and my father do not get along at all. Im the one who hired all of the guards. Yes I said mansion. We are pretty rich, me and my dad. I have a brother too but I don't see him all that much cause hes in college at California. We live in the quiet Maine. Oh hell I forgot to introduce myself.  

My weird name is well a weird one...its Natalia. My friends call me Nat.(i think they call me that because im annoying somethimes.) And like most girls at my school I do have a boyfriend. My boyfriend is like the semi-badass of our school. Always getting in trouble, fighting with the jocks like Lenica's boyfriend Zuko. Demitri (~*yes i took that name out of twilight*~)(my boyfriend's name) cant stand the way Zuko treats Lenica. Zuko is what I call a player. He has probably slept with every girl that goes to our school(Ill get to that hell hole later) including me. I gotta say though, he is good in bed.

What? It was a long time ago. He is hot!!

Those 8 pack abs of steel,

Perfect shoulders,

Dirty blonde hair,

Flawless lips,

Beautiful sky blue eyes.

Ok I admit, I had a thing for him ever since like the 8th grade, but then Demitri came along with his black skater boys hair,

Deep chocolate brown eyes,

Lip pierced,

and an AMAZING body.

Me and Lenica have been best friends ever since we were born. Thats how inseperable we are. Anyways, our and Lenica. Right now we are on a 3 week break. We have school throughout the year with long breaks now and then. Its a fairly expensive school to get in to but both our parents want us to go to the best. That is why we are here, the school where rebels conrtol their angry. Westernly School. Oh did I mention before I have an anger problem? Well you know now. I got arrested once because I slammed this bitch into a brick wall for calling me a slut. I am not a slut!  

Lenica, its like shes bipolar. She can be laughing one second and one wrong glare from a guy dont want to be near all! 

And Zuko, he constantly punches people. You would think he would punch them for gawking at his girlfriend who is absolutly breath taking with her auburn hair and perfect curves. Nope he just does it for no reason.

We are on our second break this school year. Driving in my audi coup on my way to Coaches, I was thinking about what school was gonna be like when we got back the day after tomorrow. It was like a going away party tonight. I sighed getting out of my car locking the doors behind me. I walked to the door with my head down, I really missed Demitri. Our late night make out sessions. Talking to eachother. I just really missed my boyfriend. As I walked in my eyes went wide. I wasnt expecting this surprise!

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 09, 2014 ⏰

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