Chapter 2-Isaiah and Alice

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Isaiah pov

God i can’t believe I’m going to tell her! No i can’t tell her. I got to act like a total ass so she doesn’t think it will happen again.

Oh what am i doing?! I can’t stop myself from the feelings i have from her but i don’t want to admit them to her either.

I am so fucked.

She looked confused when she answered, "yeah sure i guess.”

I got up and she followed me out the back patio door. Out here i knew no one would listen to us.

I was so nervous about what to say i ran a hand threw my hair shakily. “I-i. Fuck" i mumbled.

If i thought she was confused before she was definitely worse now. I could tell she didn’t have a clue as to what i was going to say. Be honest neither did i,

Sighing i paced. "Ok so what is up with that Landon guy? Why did he act like such a dick? Tell me and don’t lie Alice." i couldn’t help but slightly narrow my eyes waiting for a reply to my questions.

She sighed looking down. "You might want to have a seat Isaiah." ok now what the fuck is really going on.

Alice pov

I couldn’t stop myself from being confused. He asked me "what is up with that Landon guy? Why did he act like such a dick? Tell me and don’t lie Alice."

I had to tell him the truth. And it was a terrifying truth. I thought back to those memories, the night that Landon said he had a surprise for me. But i had no clue what it actually was. 

I sighed. And told him that he might want to sit down. He wanted to hear this well he was going to hear it even though we didn’t get along i started at the beginning on that one night.


"It was a warm summer evening when Landon came to my house and asked if he could take me out. I agreed like a normal teenage girl would. After all i was only 16 years old and had "raging hormones" as my parents would say/. He was 17. Year older didn’t make a difference to me. He took me to his house which was empty for the night. His parents were at an adult night party thing and his sister was at a friend’s house. It was only me and him. Leading me down the steps to his room, in the basement he was so happy. I could see it on his face. We reached his room and he grabbed my hands in his and looked into my eyes with a cocky smirk 'i have a surprise for you!' he sang like a little school girl. I laughed at him saying this. It was quite funny.

'And what might my surprise be?' i asked as i trailed my finger up his chest. Perfectly formed abs of semi-steel. (He was fit but not Isiah fit).

A small growl escaped his lips and he captured my hand but still held it to his chest 'you are such a tease Alice Kahne.'

(~ author note: i have just realized that i have given none of my characters last names. so i will take this moment to do so....

Alice Kahne, James Kahne (Alice's father), Charlot Kahne (Alice's mother), Emmett Skultz, Matt DeLoinie, Declan Thomas, Lokus Badikis, Isaiah Metoxen, Destiny Matheson, and more to come yet as we have only just begun the story

Ok now back to the story. Sorry about that. ~)

I laughed i couldn’t help it. 'I’m only a tease for you.' dragging out the "U". I wasn’t expecting what came next though. He pulled me roughly to his chest and held me tight, one hand firmly on my hip, the other on my neck.

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