Chapter 2

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*Ashton's POV*

*3 years later*

We are just finishing up the American leg of tour. It's been a blast but we're excited to get back home. Only three more show until the tour comes to an end. We just got back to the bus from the longest meet and greet in our life. Michael was the first to walk through the door of the bus.

"I'm so glad to be back," Michael says, collapsing onto the couch. I laugh and step over his legs.

"Me too," Luke agrees, flopping on top of Michael, causing Michael to get the wind knocked out of him. Michael gasped for air as Calum took out his phone and starting filming a Keek. He pointed the camera at me and I laughed and waved.

"There's Ashton, he seems like hes up to something," I laugh and shake my head. I felt my phone vibrate in my pocket so I fished it out. I immediately looked at the caller ID. It said they were calling from Sydney. I thought for a second but I didn't recognize the number. I decided I should answer it just in case it's something important. I stepped towards the back room to answer it because at this point, Michael and Luke were not wrestling on the floor and it was far too noisy to take a call. I closed off the door way leading to the back part of the bus. I hesitantly answered the call hoping it wouldn't be a crazy fan, I don't want to change my number...again.

"Hello?" I said sheepishly. There was a lot of background noise. It sounded like people walking and phones ringing, a few beeps, and people talking.

"Hello, is this...Ashton..,.Irwin?" A man on the other end asked.

"Uh, yeah," I say trying to think of who it could be.

"Well then, hi, my name is doctor Stevens and I'm calling on behalf of a miss Tiegan Carter. Does that name ring a bell?" He asked. Tiegan Carter...Tiegan Carter...I searched my mind but nothing was coming to me. I say the name one more time in my head then it comes to me. A wave of saddens washes over me. It feels like I was hit by a semi truck. I stand there like a deer in headlights, scared to say anything else.

"I-It rings a few bells, yes," I say, sitting down.

"Good, I'm glad, she's a sweet girl. I'm calling for the reason that Tiegan requested me to. Look, there's easy way to say this so I'm just going to come right out and say it. Tiegan has been suffering from Hodgkin lymphoma for a while now, and she's come to the end of her journey. We've given her three months," my heart stopped beating. I wanted to throw up but I fought the urge. The room was spinning so I laid down. "She's been in this position before, she was ready to die so we stopped all treatment, but something was keeping her from passing, so eventually we started continuing her treatment and now here we are. She has asked if you would spend her last three months with her."

"Honestly, I don't know what to say," my voice was shaky and it was getting harder to breathe. "Tiegan and I...we didn't end on a good note, I think she hates me."

"If she hated you she wouldn't have asked for you," Dr. Stevens said. He had a point. "You're free to say no, but if I was in your position I would be out here in no time. Look, Ashton, she's been begging us to call you for some time now, I think whatever bad note you guys ended on is keeping her from passing. She wants to make amends."

"This is just a lot," I admit. A lump in my throat forms when I think of when I used to cuddle her into me when we used to sleep. And when I would take random pictures of her so I could look at her when she's not around. I remember telling her everyday how beautiful she was. Her light brown hair flowed down to the center of her back. She loved her hair, more than anything. She would always kiss my nose and tell me I'm a goof ball. I loved every minute of it. I loved her and I'm sure she loved me. But I fucked it up, I had to go and be a dick. I would give anything just to go back in time and change what I did. I would have stayed, I wouldn't have said those things. I would give anything to see her light brown hair, her freckly face,  and green eyes again. "Okay, I'll come."

"Oh thank you!" Dr. Stevens said. "She's going to be so happy, so where are you coming from?"

"I'm in America right now, I'll get a flight out in the morning," I said. He thanks me again and wishes me safe travels. I thank him and hang up the phone. Now, how am I going to explain this to the guys? I stand up and shuffle to the front part of the bus, still a little woozy from the phone call.

"Who was that Ash?" Luke asked.

"Yeah, you look like you've seen a ghost!" Michael comments. I explain to them the situation and that I was asked to spend the rest of her days with her. I didn't know what they were going to say, after all, tour isn't over yet, I'd be leaving them to finish tour without me.

"I'm down for it," Luke says.

"I think it's a good idea, I mean, it's what she wants," Calum chimes in.

"One, shut up Luke, two, I'm cool with it," Michael says.

"So that's it, I'm leaving tour to see my ex girlfriend die," I say as it all hits me at once. It's just now sinking in that soon, I won't be able to see her beautiful features again. She'll just be a memory. A memory I fight to keep. So it's been settled, I'm going back home to see Tiegan.

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