3rd - Give Me Your Number

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Tin couldn't stop himself from kissing the girl's lips--which was none other is Can who was 'disguised' as a girl.

Meanwhile, Can, who had been frozen for a few seconds in shock, finally came to his senses and without thinking again, he pushed Tin's body with all his strength and threw his punch at Tin's handsome face.


Tin staggered a few steps back. He was a little surprised and wondered, where did the power come from? How can a girl hit him so strongly?

"Bastard!" Can hissed angrily, then turned quickly to leave Tin who was still silent in his place while holding his jaw which was quite painful due to Can's punch earlier.

Can keep walking without caring if his actions were enough to attract the attention of people in the club, including San, Trump, Lemon and Mark who were just as surprised as Tin.

But things that happen next, became even more unexpected. San suddenly turned to chase Can then pulled his hand before she finally slapped Can's face. Everyone around them gasped in surprise.

"You bitch!" San swore angrily.

For a moment Can just fell silent, surprised by what had just happened.

"How dare you try to seduce my boyfriend! You think you're better than me, huh?!" San shouted with her eyes wide open.

Seeing her Brother being treated harshly by San--who was totally unaware if the girl she had just slapped was Can, her own boyfriend--, making Lemon reach the peak of her patience, she was ready to approach them and would gladly 'present ' a few hard slaps for San, but her steps stopped when someone grabbed his wrist from behind and when she turned, she was surprised to find out who that person was.

"Phi... Champ?!" Lemon was surprised by Champ's unexpected presence, "W-what are you doing here?" she asked haltingly.

Champ frowned, "I should be the one who asked you that! Why are you in this place by yourself?"

"I ... I ..." Lemon stammered, she was confused what to answer.

"Did you come with Can?" Champ's question makes Lemon gasp.

"N-no!" she answered quickly. She won't let Champ know that the 'girl' who is now being 'watched' by the people in the club is Can, her brother.

She was sure if Can would be big angry with her if Champ knew about this embarrassing thing, moreover she was the one who had suggested this 'crazy' thing to her brother.

"Then I'll take you home right now. Is not good if a girl like you are in a place like this!" Champ wanted to grab his hand and invited Lemon to immediately leave the club, but Lemon avoided it and looked confused

Champ looked at her questioningly, a concern clearly visible on his handsome face. "Who?"


"Who is the person you're waiting for? Your friend? Is he a man?"

"Phi Champ.."

Champ rubbed his face in frustration, he seemed to only realize that he question had crossed the line.

"Listen, Ley, I know I have no right to ask you this question. But I'm worried about you. And yes, I know, I'm also nobody for you, I'm not your father and forever won't be your father, even for Can, I know I don't deserve to be a father for you two. But at least, I know if this place is not the right place for you."

Lemon suddenly felt guilty for making Champ worry. She knew that Champ was a good man and he really loved his mother. Yes, even though the age range between Champ and her mother was very far, but she could see if the two really loved each other and because of that, Lemon finally agreed to their relationship.

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