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So, considering most fanfics I read lean more towards the suffering of Mika, or both Mika and Yuu, I thought it would be fun to mix it up a bit and have Yuu being the main object of suffrage in this fic. Does that make me sound like a sadist? Probably. Do I give a fuck though? Absolutely fucking not.


"Yuu-Chan, come on," Mika said from the other side of the door. I sighed and got up from the bed, where I'd been sitting, staring off into space for the past twenty minutes. I went outside to find Mika, already wearing his costume, waiting for me. He turned when the RV door slammed shut behind me, looking concerned. "What's wrong?" He asked upon seeing the sad look in my eyes that he was able to see despite the smile on my face.

I sighed, dropping the fake smile and looking down at my boot-clad feet. "Nothing, just thinking about my mom again. I'm worried, I hope she's okay."

I hadn't seen my mother in years, since Mika and I were kidnapped at the age of twelve on our way home from school. We had been forced to take singing and dancing lessons until we had pretty much mastered both. Now we were made to perform songs our kidnapper had written. He was a terrible man who got his kicks from trying to break us, well me mostly seeing as there wasn't much more he could really do to Mika. If we messed up during a concert, he'd beat us. He'd managed to convince Mika that he was a monster, incapable of being loved, and I hated him for it. I hated him for hurting him.

I was broken out of my thoughts by Mika placing his hand on my shoulder. "I'm sure she's fine," He tried to reassure me, but to no avail. When I didn't immediately smile and agree with him he went to say something else, but cut himself off as he saw something over my shoulder. "Yuu-Chan, watch out!" He said and I turned around just in time to be smacked in the face by a wooden cane. I stumbled back in surprised shock and was caught via my arm by Mika, who glared at the angry man in front of us.

"Get dressed! You go on in five minutes!" Alastair yelled before hurrying away.

"You okay?" Mika asked in a panic, searching my face for any sign of injury. I had a busted lip, but that was about it.

"I'll live," I said with a sigh and hurried back inside to change. I came back out about three minutes later to find Mika still waiting outside, we wore matching outfits, except his was white and mine was black. We wore fancy long sleeved button up shirts with gold decorations here and there and matching pants, along with boots. I hated these stupid costumes. They were uncomfortable and very... out there. I knew Mika hated them too, they made him feel self-conscious, so I never said anything about it, in fear that it would only make it worse.

"We'd better hurry up before he gets mad again," Mika said, grabbing my hand. He was terrified of Alestair, not that I blamed him after all he'd put us through. I on the other hand just flat out hated the bastard. Sure he treated me worse than Mika as of late, but that didn't bother me, I just hated it when he hurt Mika.

***Time Skip brought to you by a lazy author***

The concert was over, Mika had disappeared momentarily, probably going off to the bathroom so he didn't have to see me being beat after massively fucking up one of the songs when I forgot the lines. I didn't even flinch when I was slapped across the face. "Why do you insist on doing these things?" Alestair asked in a bored tone, "do you like being hit?"

"Oh, but it's been so long, I'd've thought you'd realized by now; I don't give a damn what you do to me," I said with a shit eating grin on my face, bad move on my part. I was smacked in the side of the head by his cane. "As long as you don't touch Mika, I'm fine with being beaten," I whispered, still grinning.

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