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I woke up to Yuu poking my cheek. "Mika, your phones been ringing for the past half hour," he informed me.

I rolled over, groaning at the infernal racket that my phone was making. I picked it up off the nightstand and, without checking the caller ID, answered it. "What?" I asked in annoyance, getting a snort from Yuu.

"Well, someones grumpy this morning," Shinoa's voice said through the phone.

"Sorry, I wasn't aware that I should be cheerful after being awoken by the shrill rings of my cell phone at," I glanced at the alarm clock that sat atop the bedside table, "seven thirty in the morning. Why on earth are you calling me so early?"

"And why is the author writing this in the form of a Victorian era novel?" Shinoa inquired.


"What? It's not as if I'm lying is it?"

"I cannot help it. I spent the day watching Jane Austen movies."

"You're terrible."

"I'm aware. Can we proceed with the story now? Or do you plan to ruin it further?"

"Your sarcasm is not necessary, Mika. I called to inquire whether or not you were still planning on coming over today," Shinoa informed me, "and if so, if I shall have to come and fetch you." (Okay, I'll stop now. Or at least I'll try.)

I pulled the phone away from my ear and looked over at Yuu. "Still wanna go over to Shinoa's?" I asked, raising an eyebrow. After the incident yesterday, I wasn't sure is he would still be up to it.

"Yeah, I'm up for going over there for a few hours," he said, sitting up. He groaned, bringing a hand to his head, right above his left eyebrow, which was currently covered with a thick bandage. "I'm fine Mika, don't worry," he said upon seeing the concerned expression on my face.

I told Shinoa that we were still planning on going over there and she said she'd be over to get us at ten. I then proceeded to hang up the phone.

Yuu and I got up and went out to the living room, where we found Yuu's mom, sitting on the couch with a cup of coffee, flipping through channels on the TV. Upon seeing us, she turned and smiled, "Well, good morning boys. How's your head feeling Yuichiro?" she asked as she stood from the couch and headed towards us. Stopping in front of Yuu, she pulled back the bandage on his head just enough to look at the stitches and swollen wound beneath. "It looks like the swelling has gone down a bit, which is good. It should stay down as long as you ice it every couple of hours."

"Mom, I know. I've already heard this once from the doctor, at least three times from Mika, and now twice from you. I remember," he said, giving her a small smile as he turned to go into the kitchen. I gave her a small, sympathetic smile before following after him.

"Remember to eat something before taking your medicine," You'd mother called to him from the living room, obviously hearing as he picked up the bottle off of the counter. He sighed, setting it back town before trudging over to the refrigerator and looking through it for something to eat.


I sat, curled against Mika's side on one of the couches in Shinoa's living room. Life was normal. We were finally back home; Mika was drawing again, I would spend most of my time watching him draw or reading a book, we were both happy. Well, mostly, I still felt like there was something missing. I voiced this to Mika a couple months ago and he told me that I probably just needed more time to adjust to being home, but even after months had passed and I couldn't imagine my life if I wasn't here with him, I still felt hallow, like a piece of who I was had been ripped away from me. I had figured out what it was by this time, but I hadn't brought it up to Mika again yet, because I didn't want to worry him. However, the others had started to notice that something was off recently.

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