oops, i did you again

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a pregnancy fic because i'm having major baby fever so if you aren't about this then sorry see u next time :)

!!!! also a lil smutty !!!!

you see, liza fucked up. 

she and david have been broken up for a while, although there were still feelings there.

but a few weeks ago, and that wasn't the first time, they hooked up. 

they have the same friend group, so sometimes their friends get together and they get drunk and lose control. 

and in those times of no control, they usually end up hooking up. 

they broke up because neither of them wanted a relationship, and they both needed time.

but they're still people, and they have emotions, and needs. 

and the last few times, they haven't remembered to use protection.

so long story short, liza was supposed to get her period two weeks ago. 

and that might not seem like too much, but she hasn't been off even a day in over 3 years.

she was going to call one of her friends to ask because google was not helping calm her nerves. 

but she decided she should probably get a test.

and the 4 minutes she had to wait for the answer were the most terrifying minutes of her life. 

and when she finally looked at the test, she wished she hadn't. 

there were no lines to look at, it was digital, so there was no way she could deny it. 


she hands shake as she reads the test, and she takes deep breaths. 

david wouldn't be okay with this, liza wasn't even okay with it. 

they weren't even together anymore.

"fuck" she whispers, a tear falling down her cheek. 

he lifts her, her legs wrapping around his waist with her arms around his neck and her hands in his hair. 

they kissed and kissed until he laid her on the bed, they both take off their shirts and she bites her lip as he climbs on the bed.

he lays on top of her and before he can kiss her again she flips them over, straddling his waist and reconnecting their lips, arching her back onto him. 

they didn't use protection that night, she remembers, that's one of the only times that she can remeber. 

it was good, she misses him. 

she probably won't have him for much longer, if casual sex even counts as having him in the first place.

she can't tell him.


is she even going to keep the baby?

i mean, the thought of not keeping the baby hadn't even occurred to her until now.

maybe she wanted to keep the damn thing...

but david wouldn't. 

she groans, she's keeping this baby, whether he likes it or not.

2 months later

she grinds against david as he holds her hips with one hand, the other holding an almost empty vodka bottle

liza's friends are over, which means they're drunk. 

but today was the day liza was gonna him she's pregnant. 

she definitely wasn't going to do it over text, and she didn't want to do it wasted, because she'd forget as david would most likely be fucking her brains out. 

but, she also needed a little liquid confidence. 

so, she settled for tipsy. 

he was only a little more than tipsy now, so she figured it was now on never. 

she turns to him, looking up at him with a look that he hadn't seen since their breakup, 

serious liza.

"we need to talk," she says, taking his hand and dragging him to the bathroom closest to the door, that way when he ran out on her, it would be an easier trip for him. 

he was already concerned, liza was rarely serious, especially not with him. 


"i'm pregnant" she interrupts

he's silent for a few moments, and she impatiently awaits his response.

"well is it mine?"

"yeah obviously it's fucking yours, why else would i be telling you?"

"because i'm your best friend"

with all the stress shes been dealing with lately she's forgotten that david has always been there for her. 

she nods and looks down

"okay" he says suddenly 


"okay. im assuming you're keeping t then"

"i plan to, yes"

"i'm in"

that makes her look up.

"what?" she says in shock.

"i'm in, for the whole baby thing, i'll help. whether we get back together or not.

she begins to tear up, and she throws her arms around his neck

"thank you" she whispers, and he kisses her cheek

and then he bends down to kiss her tiny baby bump. 

highkey wanna write more a part two but i'm tired as hell

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