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After a month of being in New Jersey with Grayson, his mom, and the kids, James felt much better. Him and Grayson had tried to make up for the many nights they lost when Chris and Charlotte were born, but they both agreed that it just didn't feel right. Not with everything that was going on in their lives.

They had started to go through the options, and the side effects of the treatment were all heartbreaking.

Grayson and James had both felt very overwhelmed, and were both just overcome with sadness. There had always been a part of them missing when they announced that they weren't going to be posting as much. Soon, weekly videos turned into monthly. Then, every other month, and then nothing.

For seven years they had videos every month, and it was consistent. For three years, it had started spiraling, and then this past year it had been nothing at all.

There had been a large influx of people wondering where they had went. James occasionally posted on twitter, and even then it had only been a greeting of some sort. The only comments he would ever get on some of those consisted of people asking him if he was ever going to come back to YouTube. He was surprised that people had stuck around for that long.

He had always considered it, but the thought of editing long videos when he could be spending time with Charlotte didn't sit well with him. He decided that he wanted to spend more time with his kids, and if he lost all of his fans then at least he would still have his kids.

On Tuesday, he posted something on twitter. He just wanted to let everyone know what was going on, and why things were happening the way that they were. Grayson agreed with James' logic. The tweet wrote:

Hi sisters, it's been a while. I know many of you have been wondering where Grayson and I went. After Chris and Charlotte were born, we've been having a rough time. If you were unaware, Cam died after giving birth. Our families took it very roughly, and we needed time to grieve.

He groaned in frustration as he reached the maximum amount of words. He still posted it, and started typing again:

We've recently received more bad news... Charlotte has been diagnosed with cancer. It's going to be a long and tiring road, and we don't know when we'll be posting again. I hope you guys understand, and we'll hopefully talk soon.

He posted the tweet, and almost instantly there were thousands of likes. Many people were understanding, and sent their prayers to Charlotte. Even though James wasn't religious, he took the gesture to heart and thanked each and every one of them.

There were barely any negative comments, but you can't please everyone on the internet. Even though James wanted to disregard all of those comments, he couldn't help but thing of all the things people had said on twitter when Cameron had died.

Oh it's all James and Grayson's fault that Cameron is dead.

If Chris and Charlotte weren't born, Cam would still be alive.

If Grayson and James hadn't asked Cameron to be a surrogate, then she would still be alive.

Normally James wouldn't even care, but this was way beyond normal troll comments. James couldn't help but think that this was true. He wasn't exactly keen on the idea of children, but once Grayson came around... he was smitten.

He just wanted so badly to have a family with Grayson, he repeatedly begged him to consider having children.

It was James' fault. All his fault.

A/N: Heyyyy, it's Tuesday (my posting schedule is wack man) but I had a free period in pe so I decided to write this. It's actually fairly long compared to the other chapters. Idk I had a random spurge of inspiration.

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