C3 (part one)

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Emi,chiho,suzano,and Abby were all at maous while y/n was out shopping for for Abby that's until the door bust open and scares the crap out of everyone "Guys!!" Y/n yells fastly taking off her shoes "gosh y/n don't do that!" Abby says and y/n waves he hand like it was nothing "guess what!" Y/n says exited sitting next to chiho and Abby "what?" Maou says "they have this waterpark opening back up!" She says putting a flier on the table "i looked up the water park and it says they closed it because some alligator got out but sense then they adding two new water slides and updated the haunted house!!!" Y/n yells happy while maou,chi,emi,and suzano sweat drop "whats wrong?" Abby says "we were actually there when the alligators got out" suzano says "dang...anyway i was thinking we could all go together....maybe tomorrow?" Maou and emi nod "ya I'm off" they say at the same time and emi rolls her eyes "are you coming this time mr.ashiya?" Chi ask "no sorry i have to stay here and make sure he Neet doesn't burn the place down" ashiyas words are replyed with and scoff coming from urushihara "he can come with us" y/n says make everyone look at her "what?" "I'm sorry miss.y/n but he can't come with us" ashiya says in a matter-of-fact tone "and that is because?" "He's hiding from the police" emi says blunt y/n looks at urushihara with a really? Look and he just shrugged his shoulders "I've been to the police station many times i know every officer very well if they try to lay a hand on him I'll just step in easy as that" maou was about to say something but y/n cut him off "He's.Coming" she's says making maou shiver "fine" ashiya says with a sigh "I'll tag along as well" "Yes!!!" Y/n says happily putting her hands up in the air and falling on to Abby's lap Abby looks down and y/n gives a big happy smile....{TBC}


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Emi (ruffles to hide her lack of fruits)

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Emi (ruffles to hide her lack of fruits)

Emi (ruffles to hide her lack of fruits)

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