Part One: Weekend Visit

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"I can't believe we're gonna be seniors next year, Ferb!" 17-year-old Phineas said with excitement, slouching up against the bark of the tree, "God, where did the time go? Seems like just yesterday we were first stepping on campus of high school."

Ferb just sighed as he sat down next to his stepbrother. Today was the first day of summer, but the two decided they were going to take it easy today. Normally by now, they'd be endeavoring in some ginormous project to make the most of their summer. But since it was the first day, and they were having a creative block, they decided to take it easy.

Phineas looked over in the corner of the fence, seeing their pet platypus laying in the grass with his eyes shut tight. "Ah, remember how Perry used to disappear everyday for no reason?" He asked aloud, reminiscing a childhood memory. "I guess now that's he's getting old, he's lost his sense for adventure."

"Hopefully that won't happen to us." Ferb commented, flipping through a couple pages of his book.

Phineas scoffed and turned to look at his tall brother, "Not in a million years, bro! Sure, we've done a lot but there's still so much left for us to explore!"

Ferb just rolled his eyes playfully, closing the book so he could face his brother. Phineas continued to reminisce about their childhood while Ferb just listened, only making few brief comments. Ferb has always been the quiet one of the two. He used to never speak but one or two sentences a day. But now that he was older, he spoke more often than anyone was used to.

"It's weird thinking that we're gonna have to look for colleges now that we've got one year left." The redhead commented, twiddling his thumbs on his stomach, "I just hope it won't take too long to decide, ya know?"

"Better start applying now than later."

The two boys popped their heads up at the sound of a familiar voice. Their eyes lit up, wide grins spreading across their faces at the sight of their 24-year-old sister standing on the other side of the fence.

"Candace!" Phineas chirped as he and Ferb hopped up off the ground.

Candace unlocked the gate and ran into the backyard with open arms. The boys practically tackled their sister in a bone-crushing hug, laughing over her shoulders. "Hey, goofballs!" She giggled, ruffling their hair. "I missed you!"

"We missed you, too!" Phineas said, soon parting from the warm embrace to look at her curiously, "What are you doing here?"

She shrugged and glanced over at the tree, "Eh, just thought I'd stop by for a visit."

"Your roommates annoying you again?" Ferb asked knowingly.

"Bingo." Candace nodded with a sigh. She swore that she had the world's most obnoxious roommates. But luckily, she'd be moving in with her best friend, Stacy, before summer was over. "I just need to get away from them, for the weekend at least."

"Stay as long as you'd like!" Phineas offered with a joyful smile, "Mom and Dad won't mind, and the three of us could hang out like we used to!"

Candace chuckled, "As much as I'd love to built rollercoasters to the moon, I'm only staying for the weekend so don't get your hopes up, Phineas."

"Alright." The redhead nodded.

The three siblings made their way inside, heading straight for the kitchen to make themselves lunch. "Dad's at work and Mom's getting ready to head out, you were just about to miss her!" Phineas said as he pulled out two slices of bread to start prepping his sandwich.

As if hearing the conversation from afar, Linda walked into the kitchen not a moment later. She walked over to the counter to grab her purse, "Okay boys, I'll be back in—" But she stopped herself when seeing her daughter standing in the room with them, "Candace?!"

"Mom!" The eldest grinned.

She and her mother embraced each other quickly and tightly, Linda giving quick kisses to her eldest's face. "Oh my goodness, what a surprise! I thought you said you'd be busy all summer!"

"That was just my excuse to get out of the family reunion last week." Candace admitted, earning a scowl from her mother. "But I'm just here for the weekend to catch up with my little bros."

"And to get away from your roommates?" Linda asked.

"That too." She nodded, "I swear, it's like they're trying to piss me off on purpose."

Linda shook her head, "Ah, reminds me of when I was in college. I had these noisy neighbors in my apartment complex, and I had to constantly knock on the wall to tell them to shut up."

"Did it work?" Phineas asked.

"Not once, ever." Linda sighed, making her daughter roll her eyes. "But eventually I just walked up to their door and told them in person. And if it weren't for their loud yelling and partying, I never would've met your father—..."

Both Candace and Phineas stared at her curiously, noticing the somewhat stunned expression on their mother's face. She almost seemed distraught that she even mentioned the subject. She was silent for a moment, then laughed nervously. "Um..anyway! I'm off to run some errands, Uh, Candace watch over the boys!"

"Okay?" Candace said, raising a brow at her anxious mother.

Linda nodded, saying a quick (and awkward) goodbye to her kids before grabbing her purse and practically running out the door. The three just watched her, confused but intrigued.

"Is it just me, or was Mom acting a little...what's the word?" Candace spoke.

"Awkward?" Phineas suggested.

"Nervous?" Ferb chimed in.

"I was gonna say 'weird', but those work, too." Their sister nodded, then looked back at the two with a hint of suspicion, "Do you think she's hiding something?"

Phineas shrugged and took a bite of out a slice of bread, scoffing at the idea of their mother keeping a secret from them. "Nah, it's Mom. What's she got to hide?"

"Lots of things, dear brother." Candace said with a knowing look, "Lots of things."

Ferb grabbed a butterknife to smear the peanut butter onto his bread as he spoke up, "Well, she obviously is. She wouldn't speak of Dad like that if she wasn't."

Candace snapped her fingers as an idea popped into her head. "That's it! She wouldn't! So maybe she wasn't talking about Dad!" She said.

"But she said it's how she met—" Phineas said, but was immediately cut off by his sister,

"No, I mean, she wasn't talking about Dad," Candace gestured to the three of them for emphasis, then gestured between her and Phineas, "She was talking about our dad."

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