Part Eleven: Would They?

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(TW: suicide/mentions of other serious situations!)

Phineas was lost at this point.

Three damn weeks of hell and silence. His family hated him, he even hated himself.

He had to get out of that house, that no longer felt like home to him. He dreaded waking up every morning, but hated sleeping due to constant nightmares, with no one to comfort him. He was scared, he was anxious, he was confused. And he was lost.

Phineas had been walking around the streets of Danville for god knows how long, aimlessly wandering in hopes to find something that just wasn't there. It was cloudy and grey, and now that it was nearing dusk, incredibly dark.

His hands in his pockets and his hood covering his head, he finally stopped and leaned against a building wall. He recognized the street he was on, sort of on the bad side of town. Danville was a usually safe and peaceful city, but it still had it's sketchy, dangerous cores. This street was known for crime and death.

But Phineas didn't give a shit what happened to him anymore. And clearly, neither did his family. It didn't matter to them if he was mugged, harassed, kidnapped, sold, or even murdered—no one would care. And he'd do nothing to stop it.

The street was busy, strangely enough. Cars passed by every few seconds, going way beyond the speed limit. Phineas stared ahead at the road, biting his lip anxiously. He was scared that something actually would happen to him, but not caused by another person. No, he was scared of the nagging thought in his mind.

Do it. He told himself every time a car passed. But his body seemed to refuse the command. His limbs trembled in fear, as they knew how badly it would hurt if he did do so. But his mind didn't. His mind screamed at him to get it over with, to be done with it, to be done with this bullshit he was put through.

He took a step closer. Then another. And another. All until he was right at the edge of the sidewalk, ready to step out into the road. He could see headlights faint in the distance, and that's when he stepped out in the middle of the street, awaiting the vehicle's arrival.

He felt tears dwell in his eyes the longer he stood. Time seemed to slow down as the truck came closer, the headlights nearly blinding him. He panted heavily, watching his life flash before his eyes.

Maybe his family would care.

What would his mother do? Her daughter goes missing and her son commits suicide? Would she blame herself? Would she live miserably throughout the rest of her days? What would his father do? His stepfather, that is. Would he blame himself too? Would he feel like he wasn't a good enough dad to him?

What would Candace do? Sure, she hadn't contacted him in weeks. But what would she think if she found out? Would she feel like it was her fault for not responding to his pleas? Would she kill herself, too? Would she blame their parents for it, causing another fight? He could already see the horror of more family issues that weren't needed.

What would Ferb do? Would he ever speak again? Would he tell their friends? Would he say a proper goodbye? Would he feel guilty for it? Would he ever be the same? He had been so much better at speaking in front of other people, would that all change?

What would his friends think? Buford, would he be furious and try to murder the driver? Would he actually cry for once? Would he even care? Baljeet, would he be the same? Would he be as happy and optimistic without him? Would he bury his nose in a book to avoid talking about it? Isabella, oh the lovely Isabella. Would she cry? Would she care? Would she blame herself? Would she still be as sweet and kind to people?

Phineas saw the truck come closer, close enough to run him over. And that's when he realized he couldn't do it.

He quickly ran out of the way, hurrying back to the sidewalk while ignoring the driver cussing him out, "Suicidal bitch!"

The redhead fell to his knees, scraping them through his jeans whilst hyperventilating. Tears spilled from his blue eyes like waterfalls, falling onto his red cheeks and onto the ground as he bowed his head. He found himself unable to breathe, but it didn't prevent him from standing up and running for his damn life. He didn't want to die, nor did he want to be attacked by a criminal.

He ran as far from that street as he could, ignoring everything around, causing him to shove some people by accident. His hood fell off his his head as he dashed through downtown, unable to catch a breath, unable to stop his tears.

Phineas found the nearest open building, not noticing what it even was. He just needed somewhere safer to stop and breathe. Swinging the door open, he hurried inside, shutting the door and leaning back against it. He panted and stared at the floor, his body quivering so much that anyone could see from afar.


He gasped and looked up, his eyes growing wide upon seeing a raven haired girl standing at one of the many tables, holding an empty pitcher.

Phineas only now realized he walked into a restaurant. And it so happened to be the Garcia-Shapiro's café. "I-Isa..bella?"

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