Part Two: Unusual Behavior

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"What are you doing?" Phineas asked curiously as he walked past his sister into the kitchen to put his plate away. Him and Ferb spent the last half hour watching tv, but their older sister was sitting at the counter, looking at various books.

Candace, not looking up to acknowledge him, answered nonchalantly, "Searching through Mom's college yearbooks."

Phineas washed off his plate, then stepped over to approach her. "Still thinkin' about Dad?"

"You know, for 17 years I forgot he even existed." She said, slowly closing the book without looking up at her brother. "I don't remember what he did for a living, what he sounded like, or even what his name was. But I do remember him being a great dad."

"What happened to him?" He asked, now genuinely curious about the subject. He never knew his biological father, and never questioned him. He was always just happy with his stepdad and never wondered why his mom remarried in the first place.

Candace shrugged, "No idea. He left a couple months before you were born and I never knew why. Mom just said he had important things to do, probably just to protect my feelings."

"Well, do you remember what he looked like?" He asked.

"Vaguely." She answered, flipping through a couple more pages before closing the book. "I don't know what it is, but the way she mentioned him earlier seemed off. I think she's hiding something."

Phineas glanced to the side, "Maybe she's hiding the reason he left?"

"Maybe." She said, tapping her finger on the countertop, "Looks like I gotta get to the bottom of it, then."

"Mind if I help?" He asked. "I mean, I've never met him, but I'd still like to help."

Candace looked at her little brother solemnly. Admittedly, she felt bad that he never met their dad. Lawrence was a great stepfather to them, but still, blood was thicker than water. She smiled and nodded, "Of course you can. And maybe if we find out where he is, we could meet him."

"Really?" He asked hopefully, receiving a nod from his sister.

Unbeknownst to them, Ferb heard the last bit of the conversation while he was about to put his plate away. His face didn't show it, but he was strangely uncomfortable with what his step-siblings were planning. He didn't want to admit it, but he just didn't want them finding their biological father.

He shook his head and walked into the kitchen as if he didn't hear anything. His presence was immediately noticed, Phineas smiled and spoke to him while he walked to the sink, "Hey Ferb! Candace and I are gonna try to find out more about our biological dad. Do you wanna help? It could be fun!"

Ferb bit the inside of his cheek as he washed his plate off. He had no idea how to answer his brother's question. No, I absolutely do not want to help you guys. He thought bitterly, then turned around and shook his head instead.

"Oh, why not?" Phineas asked.

The green haired boy stared down at his feet, "I just don't think it's a good idea."

"Why?" Candace asked.

Earning nothing but silence, Phineas frowned in realization. "Oh, is it because it's not your dad?"

"No, that's not it." Ferb instantly said, shrugging, "I just don't really think you should read too much in to what Mom said."

"It's not just what she said." Candace spoke, twiddling her thumbs, "It just got me thinking that I haven't talked to my dad in so long, I just— I don't know."

Ferb stared at his sister sympathetically, but quickly shook the expression away. He did felt bad for her, but he felt even worse about what she was trying to do. "I still don't think it's a good idea."

The redhead looked at his brother confused, "Why not? What's the worst that could happen?"

"Look, I just don't think it is and I don't want to help, okay?" Ferb snapped, quickly walking away afterward.

The two watched him leave with puzzled expressions. They had never heard Ferb talk like that before, or even talk that much. Something was obviously bothering him. They exchanged a glance, having the same amount of confusion.

"What was that all about?" Candace asked.

Phineas shrugged and looked back over at the staircase his brother walked up, "I have no idea."

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