Rants, Dance Parties, And Notes

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HELLO! Yea, so this chapter is um, well yea. You'll see.

Idk if you will like it, idk if I even like it myself but, yea. I hope it's long, I really do. Thank you and enjoy.




 “Eleanor I really don’t want to hear you tell me why I should go back, or why I am overreacting. He shouldn’t have done that, and that’s exactly why I didn’t want a relationship.” I said calmly. I was screaming with rage on the inside. Eleanor and I were on the couch while Louis and my mum were in the kitchen making cookies.

“Well, then tell me WHY you wouldn’t answer our phone calls or texts?” she asked frustrated.

“Well… no, you know what? I don’t have to explain myself to you!” I yelled standing up. “Oh, and by the way, I got some great news in college, not that you would care, and Tammy is pregnant WITH HARRY’S BABY!” I screamed running up the stairs.

I heard Lou come out shouting “OH HELL NO!” I jumped on my bed after slamming my door and cried, and yelled, and screamed. I was beyond upset, I was beyond heartbroken, and I am beyond crushed. My sister coming her was even worse. I was fine with my mum, but her coming just made my mood worse. She has never been one to have been cheated on. If she didn’t like the guy anymore then she would end it. She has never been heartbroken, so she doesn’t know what it feels like.

I took my laptop and went on twitter. I saw Niall had tweeted something.

@NiallOfficial: It would’ve been better if you let me explain. It wasn’t what you thought. I love you. #Broken

I rolled my eyes and logged out of twitter. I saw I had a call from Tammy on Skype. I answered. “Hey, what’s up?”

“Ok, so you wanna rant to me now?” she asked looking sad for me.

“Ugh, it’s just….” And I let it all out. I screamed, I yelled, I cried, I laughed, I told her how I felt then and now. I told her about my fight with Eleanor, and I told her about school.

“Well, to me, I think you still love him. And obviously he loves you. He just cried a river on the phone to Harry. Actually, they’re on face time right now in the bathroom, don’t ask why in there.” She laughed and shook her head.

“I still love him with all my heart. I really do.” I smiled letting a tear slip down my face.

“Well, I’ll see tomorrow. You are going back to the house with the boys, right? I need you.” She said fake crying.

“Yea, only for you. I love you, babe.” I smiled.

“Love ya too!” I smiled and ended the call right before Harry came out facing timing Niall. I saw Niall’s face it was red and his eyes were puffy as well. He saw me and a tear slipped down his cheek.

I then went on my bed and stared at the window. I heard my door open and close. I felt the other side of the bed go down and a hand on my shoulder. I turned my head and saw Eleanor with a sad face on and Louis sitting on my chair looking at us.

“I’m sorry. I really am. I didn’t mean to make you get upset. I just, I don’t know, I’m just sorry.” she smiled at me. I hugged her showing I was forgiving her.

“Whoa, what about Tammy and Harry?” Louis asked.

“Harry said that she will be living either with you guys or with his mom. They haven’t decided. He’s really excited.” I smiled, but then it tuned into a frown as I remembered that Harry is face timing with Niall.

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