Chapter 10: Having fun

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Jiro's POV

Denki did a whole ton of things that he never did before and I am freaking out. First of all, he stopped calling me Kyoka around people for as long as I can remember. Second of all, what the hell was that sentence?! I'm a blushing mess right now. I'm in my hotel room with the girls unpacking my stuff.

"JIRO!" I jump and turned back to look at the person that was shouting my name.

"What is it Mina? You're scaring me girl." I said giggling abit. I take a sip of water, because I want to stay hydrated. We're going to go around hongkong for food and an amuesment park soon so, I'm going to be looking forward to that.

"Are you dating Kaminari?" Mina asked. I spat the water I drank out

"NO MINA. WHAT THE HELL?" I shouted blushing.

"Oh, I just wanted to ask." She giggled. I wiped off the water and took another sip.

"W-we should probably take turns taking showers, Aizawa sensei said to be down in 1 hour so..." I mumbled.

"I think so too Jiro-san! I'll go first." Yaoyaorozu said and grabbed her stuff and in she goes. Next was Mina and then Tsuyu and then me and then the other girls. I started to go on instagram and already I saw Denki posting pictures with Kirishima and the boys. I giggled and continued swiping. The girls just looked at me like I'm crazy.

"What?" I said smiling. The girls just smiled back as the last person left the bathroom.

"Lets go down stairs guys." Momo said opening the door and grabing her stuff. I nodded and grabbed my stuff and walked out to the elevator. I walked down and saw that the boys and Aizawa sensei already there. We went on the bus and got lunch. It was some authentic chinese food. There was also chinese music in the background which I enjoyed. I had Denki help charge my phone for pictures which he agreed too. The whole time, I had to force Denki to eat a bunch of vegetables. Its been like that since when we were small. After a while Aizawa sensei lead us to the bus and we headed to the theme park.

"Hey, Jirou, lets go to the roller coaster!" Denki said looking at me with his sparkling eyes.

"Why do you always make me go on those rides with you?" I whined.

"Because its fun!" He smiled.

"Fine." I said smilling back.

Once we arrived it was around 4:00 pm so we had like, 5 hours. Denki started dragging me to this roller coaster ride that had loops. My face went pale when I saw it. But Denki reassured me that it was safe. That made me relax a bit. Once we got on and began moving, I instantly regreted and clung onto Denki's arm. I can also hear that Kirishima was trying to calm Mina down. Uraraka was calming down Midoriya and Bakugo was shouting at Midoriya for being scared. Once we got to the drop, I screamed on the top of my lungs while Denki laughed. It was vice versa for Midoriya and Ochako, both Mina and Kirishima were laughing and Bakugo just sat there. Denki dragged the class to the next ride called sling shot. The ride that I hated the most. Its a ride that slings this capsule up into the sky. Everyone partnered up and went the capsule one pair at a time. Kirishima and Mina was up first, they went out jumping and laughing at how fun it was. Next was me and Denki.

"D-Denki, I don't like this." I said holding his hand when the capsule cocked back.

"C'mon Jiro! It'll be fu- WHAAAAAA!" He shouted when we got up in the air.

"DENKIIIIII!" I shouted grabbing his hands tighter.

"Its ok Kyoka! Its fun!!!!" He said smiling. After a few round of bouncing on that ride, we got off and I was spinning. Denki had to help me stand for god's sake. We got to a few calm ride and then we went to this ride where it spins you in this car while the ride spins itself. That ride was fun, I was laughing my head off while Denki was screaming. I now know Denki's weakness. Being spun around is not good for Denki. After around 2 hours on the rides and 2 hours playing carnival games, we then went on this ride called the Grand ferris wheel. We had to once again pair up and I chose Denki. Why? Because Mina had already paired everyone else up and we were the only people left. Everyone got in a different capsule with their partner and sat down. Me and Denki were the Second last to enter. The wheel started spinning and I could see the whole city from there. It was a stunning view. I noticed that Denki was looking at me- ah, scratch that, staring at me.

"Whats up Denki?" I asked laughing abit.

"No, nothing really, I'm just admiring how beautifull you look." He said and I blushed.

"Uh, thanks?" I said.

Third person's pov

"Denki, are you, planning to join the villain league?" Jiro said.

"Wha-How did yo-?" He stummbled on his words.

"I heard your conversation with Dabi." The purple haired girl said.

"Hmm." He hummed not knowing what else to say.

"Denki, don't do it. Even if its for protecting the class, don't do it." Jiro said her eyes watering up. Then she felt the capsle move abit followed by a pair of harms embracing her.

"I won't Kyoka, so don't cry. Please don't cry." He said wiping her tears away with his thumb.

"Kyoka, look, we're at the top." Kaminari said looking outside. Looking outside, a view of the night sky with stars shining above them. Down wards, there was beautifully lit buildings with the light blending in. The light of the signs in the stores, the light of the aparments, the light of the street light, the light of the cars in the street, all blending together with the sky at night, making a beautifull and stunning sight to look at. Before they knew it, they were at the bottom and they had to get out. Kaminari seperated and helped Jiro walk out. After another roller coaster ride, they had to make their way back to the hotel. The boys planned to stay in the girls room to play cards and sleep there too. Some aggreed, some was uneasy about it but it was all good in the end. Once the girls had finally changed, they moved all of their stuff into one bed and left the other bed for the boys. Bakugo decided to sleep on the couch and Mineta was forced to be in the boy's room so that he won't through our "private" stuff. Once the girls all showered and changed, they gave the boys a call and 10 minutes later, they were down. They went in and jumped on the bed that was empty. Kaminari greeted Jiro and she greeted him back. They laid there for around 3 hours and Jiro passed out on the bed. Then, everyone decided to go to sleep.

Jiro's pov

I suddenly woke up and looked over to the boys bed. I was on the edge of the bed so I can see clearly who was where. I suddenly realized that Denki wasn't here so on my instinct, I went out to find him. I saw him at the bouncany of the hotel.

"Denki? Why are you outside at a time like this?" I asked feeling worried.

"Ah, Jiro, I couldn't sleep thats all." He said giving me a smile that I know was fake.

"Denki, don't think too much about it, he can't do anything to me. I can fight too you know!" I said trying to motivate me. He smiled nodded and walked witb me back to the room. I felt happy for some reason, I fell asleep once more when I layed down on the bed. Little do I know. What Denki said was a lie.

To be continued~

Yo! Its Rou! Back with another chapter with 1370 words anyways, I have to go soon so, stay safe and read daily! Rou out! Bye!!!

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