44 1 0

October 16, 3:56am

preston: rob?

preston: u there?

mrwoofless: preston......?

mrwoofless: im here alright

mrwoofless: ur awake?

mrwoofless: is this lachlan or preston?

preston: preston

preston: could u come to brisbane hospital?

mrwoofless: i mean why not huh

mrwoofless: give me 20?

preston: sure...

preston: rob i want to see u im lonellyyyyy

mrwoofless: im coming shoo

preston: darude sandstorm but oKaY
October 16, 4:17am
(should i change lachlan to underlined and preston to bold for speech? idk i like bold better) (comment down below)

mrwoofless: im here

preston: room 394 (someone get the harry potter reference lol)

mrwoofless: i know

mrwoofless: i was the one to send u here

mrwoofless: but u have to tell me what happened that made u cut

preston: what if i dont

mrwoofless: then im leaving duh

preston: must i?

mrwoofless: yes u must

preston: how did our friendship even come to this lol this seems so not like normal friendships where u meet each other and then hang out and become best friends

mrwoofless: ikr our friendship was sort of like you texted me from the number in my tumblr bio then we coincidentally were both in brisbane on holiday and then u cut and got injured and i saved u

preston: wait u saved me?

preston: actually i came here for work lol

preston: rob?

mrwoofless: sorry i was talking to the receptionist. ye i saved u

preston: oh.

mrwoofless: yeah...

preston: this is awkward

preston: i want to thank you but i dont know how

mrwoofless: what do u mean?

preston: i dont have many chances to thank people properly

mrwoofless: why?

preston: i only ever got to thank my parents

preston: i didnt have any friends to thank lol

mrwoofless: thats sad

mrwoofless: just say thank you

mrwoofless: then say why ur thanking them

mrwoofless: or u could just say thanks and then say why ur thanking them

mrwoofless: i mean yeah

preston: thanks?

preston: for saving me?

mrwoofless: no problem pressy

"you can enter?"

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