Chapter Three: We've Met.

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Chapter Three: "We've Met."

IN ABOUT 30 MINUTES, Mom and I were standing outside the Myers house.

I had decided to wear a baby pink dress with leggings and a pair of ballet flats, donning a cardigan since the weather had been chilly lately.

The Myers house was bigger than most houses in our street, and it had been well kept by its previous occupants.

Now, all sorts of suitcases, cartons, boxes, and furniture littered the lawn.

Mom rang the doorbell, and we could hear the sound resonate inside the house.

Footsteps were heard coming towards the front door, and it was opened by a beautiful young woman who looked just a few years older than me.

"You must be the new neighbours."

She gave us a dazzling smile, which brightened up her features.

Her blonde hair cascaded down around her shoulders, and her bright blue eyes radiated warmth.

She was wearing a loose blouse with a pair of skinny jeans, which just highlighted her well-maintained figure.

"Please do come in," she said, stepping aside to let us in.

"I'm Chloe Myers," she told us, leading us to what I presumed was the living room.

"I'm Olivia Henderson, and this is my daughter, Ellen," said my mom.

"Hi, nice to meet you."

"It's nice to meet you, too, Mrs. Myers," I smiled.

"Oh no, please call me Chloe," she gave a short laugh, which was pleasant nonetheless.

"Please sit down," she said, gesturing towards the sofas lined up against the walls, "I'm sorry about this mess. As you can see, we're still unpacking."

"Oh, that's okay," my mother smiled, "We just brought you a little treat to welcome you to the neighbourhood."

"Thank you. That's really kind of you," Chloe said, taking the dish of muffins, "Let me just go put these in the kitchen."

I took this time to admire the house.

It wasn't like I hadn't been in here before.

Aria, my lab partner in Chemistry, used to live here with her family, before they had to move to Los Angeles for Aria to pursue her Hollywood career.

With Aria's five younger siblings frequently turning the place topsy-turvy, I had hardly noticed how big the house was.

We mostly hung out at my house, anyways.

Chloe came back and engaged in conversation with my mom.

I decided to check my social media.

"If you don't mind me asking, why did you and your family move to Ridgewood? It's a small town. Most of the people living here are looking for a chance to move out," I heard my mom say.

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