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"What is something, you think would never work out?"

"A relationship between different people from different cultures."

That happened to be a part of a simple conversation about probably everything in this world. You weren't quite sure why you'd ask some question like that but it popped into your mind and seemed accurate. The girl you had been texting with for a while was from New York and a pretty rich, spoiled kid. Though you couldn't live without messaging her at least once a day.

You, named Y/N, were a young girl from Florida. This state being one of the southern states, you had grown up with different aspects of the world. On one hand you got raised as the total country-girl while on the other hand you noticed all those people from other countries or even continents. Of course most of them came for the amusement parks which you loved a lot as well.

One literally holy item in your life was your country-hat. Everytime you felt sad or anything else than euphoric you would put it on your head. Sometimes you even went out on the streets like that but the few gross looks from strangers didn't even grab a little of your attention. In fact; you were glad to be yourself.

[2 days later]
Kalina, that girl from New York, came to Florida for week to visit you. But of course you wanted to show her some sights or other things of your state. On the third day of her trip you were sadly planned out. How? With attending a car-meeting-and-fleamarket. Each year of your entire life you had visited that event with your parents, like that time again. Kalina decided to go shopping on her own since she wasn't interested in cars. Fine for you.

That day you wanted to reflect your actual self on the outside so you put on your hat, wore a knotted shirt and hotpants. The style you liked the best.

Usually only Floridians attended this meeting, at least southern states citizens. But everything changed that day.

After a while of walking around there you got tired, probably cause of the damn burning sun. The only urge of yours was to sit down somewhere dark, under the next tree. So you did that. Not even two minutes later something suddenly fell in front of your feet. Your judging but surprised looks wandered to the thing. Obviously a windshield wiper. Gently you picked it up and analyzed it more carefully.

"Oh, I'm sorry, Ma'am!", A cute voice shouted in your direction.

"What for?", You asked without even looking up, still focused on the wiper.

Finally you had the courage to look up when you could see the shadows of two legs on your left hand side. But as you looked up, you freezed. His appearance was stunning. According to your mind he was Asian what was actually obvious. Those blond short hair seemed to be so fluffy. And his smile could brighten the world.

[His POV]
As she looked up and I had the ability to see her face, I got shocked. How could someone be so pretty? Her eyes shone so bright that I could probably confound them with the sun. And her confused look made her appear like an angel itself. I won't have the chance to find someone like her ever again, I think. No matter what now, I'll talk to her a bit more. Get a grip.

[Nobody's POV]
Finally he broke the awkward silence and smiled shyly while scratching his neck. "I'm sorry for almost hitting you with this wiper before. My little cousin threw it away, unfortunately in your direction. Little kids, ya know.", He apologized more detailed that time. Without noticing you might have blushed.

A smile appeared on yours and his lips as he told you how it had happened. A cute giggle escaped your mouth "It's totally okay. Please, don't worry.". The boy introduced himself what got you some information like his name, age and nationality. Jeonghan, 20, South Korea. After introducing yourself afterwards he asked you if you wanted to walk through this car-meeting-and-fleamarket together. Indeed your only choice was yes. Yes or yes was the case.

His 5-year-old cousin always walked behind you two, being obviously annoyed. Jeonghan and you talked about everything that came into your mind.

"Are you on vacation here?", You asked curiously.

"Nope, I just moved here two weeks ago. Currently I'm living with my aunt and her kids.", He explained to you, making you drop your jaw. You were somehow extremely glad for him to have this chance.

Ice cream seemed like a great idea after a long walk at this meeting. Jeonghan paid, luckily. "Are you already used to the American culture?", You asked, just out of curiosity.

He hesitated for a second but then answered "Maybe not completely. I have a lot to learn here.".

"I'll help you getting used to it."

"Thank you so much. How can I make it up?"

"Umm..... you don't have to, I guess?"

"I ain't let you help me without giving anything back. What about Pollo Tropical tonight?"

"Of course! Where do you know my favorite restaurant from?"

Both of you laughed in an uncontrolled way. He put his hand gently on your shoulder, making you feel nervous but comfortable. Yup, you had an enormous crush on him.

You two got up and took a 5 minute walk to the shore next to the event location. Both of you sat down on a big rock, removed shoes and let your feet touch the cool water. To see the sunset was satisfying af. While looking out at the ocean you suddenly spotted some bottlenose dolphins. That was spectacular for both of you. But when they disappeared, you realized the amount of comfort you were feeling and also the feeling of being tired. Nothing better came into your mind than resting your head on Jeonghan's shoulder. He smiled widely and began stroking your head softly. "This moment is invaluable. Not even diamonds are as beautiful as everything right now.", You admitted what was going on in your brain. Jeonghan just smiled again, this time showing off his bright teeth.

"I'm so glad that wiper landed in front of me. Or else nothing of this would have happened.", You added.

"I knew coming to Florida would be a lifetime experience but I never thought that I'd feel like home within two weeks. You made this place even more like a home to me.", The boy truly let his heart speak.

You slowly removed your head from his comfortable shoulder and smiled so he could see it clearly. His little cousin went home a while ago so nothing that could destroy the moment. "Let me be your home.", Jeonghan said kinda seductively. You didn't know what he meant although it was pretty obvious.

Jeonghan put his arms around your waist so that he could pull you close. A beautiful giggle left your mouth while you also laid your arms around his neck. Before anything else, you stared in each other's eyes for a short time. When doing that there were flickers in his and your eyes. And in the next moment his soft lips touched yours. A few short seconds later you removed your lips because you just had to smile so much. Both of you giggled and smiled as widely as never before. Jeonghan gently picked you up and placed you in front of him so that your back was touching his chest. You were now sitting between his legs, looking at the sea again and enjoying everything. The boy reached his hands out to grab yours. His plan was to intertwine them what you of course accepted. It was honestly the most romantic moment of your life. His warm gaze on your neck and head made you feel even more comfortable than before. Just an amazing moment.

Suddenly you could hear a familiar voice a few metres away. Kalina was standing there, smiling there. "Now I know it can work out.", She said, making Jeonghan and you smile. The boy pecked your cheek and returned to the position from before so you could watch the sunset again.

(AN; soooo what do you think about this story? Her character is based on my real life one this time! Never thought that an Austrian girl would be like that, huh? Florida feels like a home to me. Home is not where you were born, home is where your heart is. So my home seems to be Florida in some way.😅😍❤️

1452 words

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